More to life than gaming?
With most of her top games in boxes this week, Chella goes old school as a diversion, and finds a gaming force that she Myst out on.
With most of her top games in boxes this week, Chella goes old school as a diversion, and finds a gaming force that she Myst out on.
Neither man nor beast could keep Todd (and several hundred others) away from the classic gaming expo featuring the greatest games of yesteryear.
New laws now give game developers the chance to copyright their works in progress. Our special guest columnists explain the process.
Among the upcoming crop of MMORPGs, Chella finds one that may lift her spirits, a game called Aion where characters will be able to fly.
We were quite happy when Lumines came out for the Xbox Arcade System, but some people just can’t take a good thing. Also, look for VGXPO 2006 coverage to begin.
Why does every game these days seem to devolve into another type of shooter? With two new consoles coming out, how about something new?
Chella finally gets into the world of Oblivion, but finds herself longing for her multiplayer roots. But if any game can bring her around to single player, this is it.
The "outrage" in Japan over ridiculous PS3 pricing got them a nice discount. But Sony better worry more about the US if they want to beat back the 360 and Wii.
Like waiting for Godot, info about the Wii launch has been a long time coming. But the news is in and it’s good. Expect the Wii soon!
With no strike this year, even the gaming world is warming up to hockey again. This season, two very different games will compete for your dollar.