A Blue, Blue Christmas
News that Europe won’t get the PS3 until March 2007 has Chella thinking about a sad holiday. But the rest of the world will have to share 500,000 units, so scarcity will be the norm the world over.
News that Europe won’t get the PS3 until March 2007 has Chella thinking about a sad holiday. But the rest of the world will have to share 500,000 units, so scarcity will be the norm the world over.
Playing Saint’s Row inspired Todd to create The Bubba Army, one of the most popular gangs on Xbox Live. Even Bubba himself might join up.
Sony is trying to make its PSP more attractive to women by painting it pink. But Chella knows the industry needs more than a coat of paint to attract more women.
Yet another Madden is about to be released, and of course EA has pulled out all the stops, this time inventing a new holiday to celebrate!
A new book claims that Blizzard Entertainment’s Warden rootkit is spying on World of Warcraft players, collecting data on IM buddy lists, e-mail and all the Websites players visit.
Chella declares unconditional surrender this week to all the unimaginative war-like titles coming out for the Xbox 360. Can’t we get something new?
While some details are still being worked out, it looks like the E3 we knew and loved is really dead. But I wonder if anyone realizes what the show really meant for our industry?
Chella is getting ready to report the sad death of role-playing amid the huge upturn in online player vs. player killing zones. Do role-players stand a chance?
This week Todd finds some Japanese gems that are finally being released for play in the U.S. market. But why do they take 10 years to hit here?
This week Chella takes on the PS3 and whatever it is Sony thinks it’s doing.