E3 Day 2 – The Revenge
Hargosh gets his hands on two of the things he really wanted today: the Xbox 360 and Metal Gear Solid 4.
Hargosh gets his hands on two of the things he really wanted today: the Xbox 360 and Metal Gear Solid 4.
I find it hard to believe that a whole year has gone by, and I will be on my way back to Los Angeles for E3. While I prefer to wait for the big event to see what will be coming out, I just finished watching the official launch of the Xbox 360, and what can I say but holy @*%^! I know I had a taste of next gen gaming during the NFL Draft with the Madden Next Gen teaser, but the final result is too good to wait for. Nonetheless, this Wednesday is when the magic happens, and … Continue reading Pre-E3
Will the real Xbox 2 please stand up? After nearly a year of guesses and hoaxes, Chella gives us a look around the real Xbox 360.
British Explorer Lara Croft has fallen on hard times in the game industry, but Eidos has a comeback plan. And our own beloved Brit wishes her well.
A contract dispute threatens to sideline voice acting in video games, but if things work out, we have some really exciting top Hollywood talent cast in game roles.
England is going bust fast. ECTS just announced it was dead, and Chella predicts that without something fun like GameZone Live, that ELSPA is next.
Todd takes a look at the PSP’s movie capabilities, four popular launch titles and the general plusses and minuses of this amazing new system.
Chella wonders why she keeps getting hit on in her online superhero game, when most of the female characters are actually men.
To ensure he would get one without causing a riot, Todd actually pre-ordered a new PSP. Will it be a GameBoy/DS killer? Todd thinks so.
A new book called Savage Pastimes makes the argument that violence is part of our history and computer games won’t kill the world. Finally!