Sometimes I hate my job! I really hate it when I express loyalty towards a system, only to have the system’s developer stab me in the back. I’ve been there before, most noticeably with the Atari 7800 (Dang you Tramiel! I should have known when you were fired by Commodore that you’d be up to no good.), and when Nintendo shoved their 8-bit NES to the back burner when they launched the SNES without backward compatibility. No wonder why I am so harsh against certain companies! Unfortunately, I never thought I’d be expressing the same hatred against Sega. I’ve been … Continue reading Backstabbed→
On the day I am writing this, it will mark one month since the PlayStation 2 was launched to the public. As everyone knows I was the only one on my staff (at least I think this) who was lucky enough to pick one up. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t consider myself lucky. In the month that followed the launch, I have seen nothing but disappointment for Sony’s new console, and it makes me wonder how the mainstream press continues promoting it over the Dreamcast. I know that Sony was successful with their launch, as the initial 500,000 units sold … Continue reading PS2 Day One→
Poor, poor Ken. Not only did he NOT obtain his PlayStation 2, as he stated in his Friday column, but he had to explain all that he went through in order to fail in the end. Me, on the other hand, ended up on the ladder of success. Next to this computer monitor, sits my brand new PlayStation2 in all its glory. Believe it or not, I wasn’t really looking forward to getting one in the first place. I’m sure everyone knows my love of Sega, its Dreamcast, and it’s godlike Internet gaming service. Also, with all the trouble I … Continue reading No Lovin’ For Ken→
A lot of trade magazines that cover the entertainment industry are, perhaps unduly, focused on movies. In quite a few of them, the pending actor’s guild strike has been covered with the same gloom and doom that might befall a pending natural disaster. But while some sectors of the entertainment industry might be crippled by the lack of card-carrying guild member actors, computer games should do just fine. The pending strike has a lot of complex issues behind it, but boils down to what every labor dispute these days is really about: people either wanting or deserving more money. Gone … Continue reading Strike Two, But Not Out→
Alas the time is almost upon us all. My fellow game citizens, be prepared. Take shelter while you still can. These are no longer times of peace, and rumors of war are being heard of more and more each day. Here in the closeout months of the year 2000 going on into 2001 my gamers intuition leads me to believe that something big, something great, something like the gaming world has never seen before is about to happen. History is about to be made. A "Clash of the Titans" if you will is upon us. A clash whose rumbles will … Continue reading Clouds Of War→
Vice President Al Gore announced today that he has chosen Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut as his running mate for the upcoming presidential election. Lieberman has long been a proponent of censorship when it comes to computer games, putting them far below other forms of entertainment in terms of constitutional protection. Each year Lieberman leads an attack on the game industry by creating a list of violent computer games, highlighting them as one of the reasons society is rapidly moving away from its "moral compass." This anti-game frenzy seemed to reach a crescendo last year following the Columbine High School shootings, … Continue reading Go Al!→
I was reminded this week of an old mini-series on television back in the 1980s where the then-powerful Soviet Union had taken over the United States. A few people decided to revolt and a professional soldier who was getting ready to fight the Soviet threat was standing in a train station. Suddenly, a sniper’s gun rings out and a couple of Soviet army privates getting off the train are killed. The rookie-traveling companion of the professional soldier is overjoyed at seeing the dead Russians, but the professional soldier just looks disgusted. "Wrong targets," he says, continuing to explain that the … Continue reading Wrong Targets→
We’ve all heard the debate of which format is better for gaming, the PC or the console market. Heck, it’s got as big as the Coke vs. Pepsi debate. Forthe longest time, I, being a dedicated game tester, decided to stay equal onboth sides. But recently I have delivered my own attack on this ongoingissue. At the beginning of the year 2000, I noticed an article in a computer gamespublication that caught my eye. This editorial criticized the SegaDreamcast, and in particular, its top-selling sports titles, NFL2K andNBA2K. It seems that the person who wrote this column decided to attack … Continue reading PC or Console?→
We are so proud of Sega, throwing a monkey wrench into the pending console war. Just when all the industry pundits had concluded that Sony was going to be the undisputed winner in this battle, Sega comes up with the proverbial rabbit out of what everyone thought was an empty hat. Last week Sega announced that it would give a $200 rebate on a Dreamcast, plus a Dreamcast keyboard, to anyone who signed up for its soon-to-be-launched Internet Service Provider for a two-year contract. Essentially, if you get the ISP, you can have a Dreamcast with a keyboard for free. … Continue reading Dreamcast’s Last Hope→
Welcome to this brave new world. You are one of the first visitors to the new daily Game Industry News, and I wanted to take a moment to welcome you. One of the major changes is that GiN is now free. Simply click on the Free Subscription or the Free Prizes link to sign up. As a special gift, in addition to getting the e-mail version of GiN each week, we are having a prize blowout. Our friends at Codemasters, SouthPeak Interactive and Westwood Studios are providing very nice prizes in the form of games for both the PlayStation and … Continue reading Welcome To The New GiN!→
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