Konami Digital Entertainment is proud to share the results of this year’s eFootball Championship Open, a competition that saw some of the world’s best eFootball players come together to battle for the top title.
We all enjoy animals in our games. Whether or not they have fur, fins or scales, animals are incredibly popular with gamers today. This week, Michelle Sayatovich continues in her Fresh Look column with her series of animal POV games that you can play right now.
In this week’s Save State, Vincent enjoys some low-poly retro gaming goodness with Ex-Zodiac, a game that is still in early access on Steam but shows worlds of promise as you fight to free the worlds of the Sanzaru Star System from their oppressors in intense early-1990s arcade action.
Animals are very popular in video games right now, with titles like Endling – Extinction Is Forever and Stray capturing everyone’s hearts. But beyond those two well-known titles, there are quite a few others that might be of interest for animal lovers. Michelle shares her own list of recommended titles in this week’s Fresh Look Column that’s filled with paws, claws and fluffy tails.
Vincent is taking a break from all of his 16-bit gaming this week, but only because he is going even farther back into the retro tunnel. He breaks out 8-bit masterpieces in Vampire Survivors and Panzer Paladin.
Michelle, our Fresh Look columnist, is a self-described thrift shopper. So, when she saw that Nintendo is now offering a treasure trove of classic games as part of an expansion to its online platform, she jumped at the chance. Did Michelle find good deals and even greater gaming? Find out in this week’s Fresh Look Column!
Save State Columnist Vincent Mahony is a self-proclaimed Sonic the Hedgehog maniac. So being able to get four remastered Sonic games in the Sonic Origins package has got him spinning through loops, jumping across chasms and grabbing more gold rings than he has fingers to put them on.
Amazon Prime Day promises something for everyone, even the gamers in your life including your fine individual self. If you have an Amazon membership and the hankering for some free games, make sure you read this Fresh Look column in which Michelle will give you the lowdown on the best of what Prime Day has to offer gamers.
Our Save State columnist used to dump rolls of quarters into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game, so he was overjoyed to learn that the pizza-loving reptiles were back in the new Shredder’s Revenge game. Grab a slice and see how these heroes in a half shell have aged so well.
This week our Fresh Look gamer dives into the Castlevania series, and finally learns what all the hype is about with those Metroidvania style games that everyone is always going on and on about. It’s actually a really great discovery for her because she is now hooked on them too!
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