This week our intrepid Save State columnist goes into full detective mode in Lacuna, a delightful sci-fi mystery point and click adventure with a great story and some of the most impressive pixel graphics that we have ever seen.
With a new iPad tablet in hand, our Fresh Look Columnist also finds herself with a trial subscription to Apple Arcade. Tune in as we discover what she found in Apple Arcade land, and if the games available for play make it a good deal for gamers.
Ubisoft announced that it is giving away the new Roller Champions competitive eSports game for free on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and for the PC through the Ubisoft Store.
Our Fresh Look Columnist is a huge fan of classic Disney games, having played them for hours on end as a child on her Sega Genesis. Now she gets to relive those glory days with a bundle that brings The Lion King, Jungle Book and Aladdin together on the PC, PlayStation, Xbox or Switch.
Created by the acclaimed team behind the Danganronpa series, Death Come True is an interactive movie and a thrill ride about a man who wakes up with no memory, and a whole lot of problems.
Our intrepid Fresh Look columnist takes a gander at eight very impressive upcoming games that she didn’t know she needed to play before she found out about them. Perhaps you all will find a new gem to add to your own list this week.
This week Vincent dives deep into the distant video game past to relive a treasured childhood memory. We are talking about Lost Kingdoms on the Nintendo Gamecube, an RPG that was both ahead and behind its time.
This week our newest columnist Michelle Sayatovich keeps the mobile balls rolling with a look at five more games that really should make the jump to PC and consoles. It’s fun in the palm of your hand again this week, so grab your iOS or Android phone and come play along.
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