H1Z1: Fight for the Crown, the first official team-based tournament for Daybreak Games’ massive competitive shooter, H1Z1: King of the Kill, came to an action-packed finish as Obey Alliance fired the last shots to win the tournament on live TV. The team suffered no casualties at all, while defeating 75 other players in the melee.
In Mass Effect: Andromeda, BioWare continues to rely on humans being at the centre of the universe, which only serves as a means of making aliens the exotic other who are simply there for a quick snog in the engine room.
Todd upgraded to the Xbox One S a while ago, but always had plans to make the leap to Scorpio if the console looked impressive. With details starting to come out, it looks like it might be one of the most powerful consoles ever created, with full backwards compatibility to boot.
What Remains of Edith Finch is the second game from Unfinished Swan developer, Giant Sparrow. Ahead of its release, Chella talks to creative director Ian Dallas about the themes, the literary influences and for the game, as well as an insight into what to expect from this surreal tale of the mysterious Finch family.
Todd continues his No Man’s Sky second chance play-through, but even with the new updates, can it compete with the glory of Mass Effect: Andromeda and some of the other titles that have finally been released? Surprisingly, it just might, as Hello Games is really working to improve their game.
The best video game openings tell us something about character, the world and set the tone for the game in the most economical way possible. Night in the Woods is the perfect example of the perfect opening line of dialogue.
With new graphics and monster truck-like ground vehicles, Todd creeps back into No Man’s Sky for a second look at the game that has probably caused him the most personal contention in years. Should the improvements win you back over?
Todd checks out the new Xbox Game Pass this week, where gamers get access to about 100 rotating titles for $10 per month, plus discounts if they want to buy new games. Seems like a great deal, but he’s finding one unexpected problem: hard drives are gonna fill up fast!
Chella looks the way games use architecture to create stories and emotional responses, as well as some of the titles and worlds that have influenced the architecture in the game she is currently developing.
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