Liyla and The Shadows of War Not a Game Says Apple
Liyla and The Shadows of War, has proved too political for Apple, claiming it isn’t a game.
Liyla and The Shadows of War, has proved too political for Apple, claiming it isn’t a game.
In warfare when you switch sides they call it being a traitor, but Hargosh may have good cause. A longtime Call of Duty fan, he’s angry because the only way to buy the remastered Modern Warfare is bundled with Infinite War. And then there is that great Battlefield 1 trailer.
Chella isn’t quite convinced by VR gaming, but new research has been successful in treating paranoia using virtual reality. She looks at the pros and cons of the new tech, as 2016 looks set to be the year of VR.
News that Microsoft has discontinued production of the Xbox 360 console was bittersweet for Todd and many other Xbox fans. Thankfully, backwards compatibility means that the games will live on, but Todd still takes time to salute an old friend.
News of Amazon’s paywall for video games, such as Minecraft and GTA V, unless you’re a Prime member, could see gamers shopping elsewhere. Is it the thin end of the wedge, Chella asks.
Todd has been doing so much PC gaming lately that he’s not really paid much attention to all the rumors of upgraded versions of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But he worries that enhanced consoles releasing so soon after launch would be dangerous to the industry.
Just 10 more days until Banner Saga 2 arrives and Chella is excited to see what it delivers. Until then, she’s highlighting the things that she loves about the original game, Banner Saga.
Todd dives back into the wasteland this week to tackle Fallout 4’s Automatron DLC. He runs into a fun but quirky robot companion named Ada, and wacky relationship trouble ensues. Can a man and a crazy killing robot find happiness in a post-apocalyptic world?
The rumours keep coming, concerning Sony’s upgraded PlayStation, dubbed PS4K. Chella looks at the implications for gamers and the future of consoles.
There is so much going on these past few weeks that Todd is compressing three column ideas into one. Strap on your seatbelt as he goes rapid-fire on Tom Clancy’s The Division, PlayStation VR pricing news and the amazing cross-play console games offer made by Microsoft.