Bingeing on Uncharted
When Chella got Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection for Christmas, she discovered a game series she loves, but had been missing all these years. Now she gets why people say the Uncharted games are great.
When Chella got Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection for Christmas, she discovered a game series she loves, but had been missing all these years. Now she gets why people say the Uncharted games are great.
Thanks to everyone who nominated games for the 2015 GiN Games of the Year contest! We counted and compiled, and now present to you – as chosen by you – the top nominees in each category. Who will win? It’s all up to you. Come and choose the games of the year!
Todd brings us a tale of two fighting games this week. Mortal Kombat XL was released as a content-packed DLC for under $20. Meanwhile, Street Fighter V came out for a full $60 and offers perhaps two hours of single player gameplay. Quite a difference.
The #OscarsSoWhite controversy raises the question of #GamesSoWhite. Chella looks at the lack of diversity in games and wonders why we never discuss race and the lack of black and other minority characters.
News that Quantum Break is moving to PC instead of being a pure Xbox One exclusive title has got some people a little bit upset. But Todd, a longtime Xbox fan, doesn’t see the problem. Letting more people play a good game is not a bad thing, and the cross-buy status means that if you get the game for the Xbox, that you also own a copy for Windows. Pretty sweet deal, right?
Up until lately, things have been pretty black and white, in the world of games. Aliens bad, big guns good, kill everything to win. With the likes of Her Story, gamers are dealing with ambiguous tales that don’t tie up all the loose ends. But that’s not such a bad thing.
PC gaming and games are making a big comeback, with many exclusive titles like the pending XCOM 2. So Todd is giving PC gaming another try, with an economical system that might just suit his needs. In other news, he also predicts the winner of the Superbowl this week using Madden. Panthers or Broncos?
Chella was in two minds whether to delve into the new Hitman, but now that it’s to be an episodic launch she thinks it makes sense for gamers. They can jump in for $15 and give it a punt, getting a AAA experience for the price of an indie.
Like many of us, Todd has been waiting it seems for a great virtual reality system forever. Now that Oculus Rift is close to release, we find a rather non-virtual factor to bring it home: a huge price tag. Is VR’s price going to keep it virtual for most gamers?
Chella’s most anticipated games of 2016 include some big, blockbuster titles, alongside small indie gems you may not have noticed, but which prove how rich and varied this medium is. Read on for the hottest games of 2016 and see if your new favorites made the list.