The year 2015 has come to a close and Billy is finally ready to report in on his New Year’s Resolution from the past year. Did he succeed in clearing 25 games from his backlog, or did it go the way of every other new Year’s Resolution ever made?
Todd is back with the second part of his personal 2015 video game honors. Who will win the coveted badass of the year award, the best developer of 2015, and which company made the smartest move in the industry? All hail the winners this week!
It’s that wonderful time of year: awards season, and that means that we need you to help out with Game of the Year nominations. Let us know which games you absolutely loved in 2015, and help those hard-working videogame developers achieve GOTY glory!
Almost no other storyline has inspired as many video games, movies, comic books, novels and role-playing games as Star Wars. Our hardest of hardcore fans, Lisa Campos, takes a look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens for the new greatness it creates, and also several missed opportunities.
It’s the tail end of 2015, and that means it’s time for Todd to count down the best and worst games of the year, totally according to him. Come see where Todd ranks the best and the worst that video games had to offer this year, and see how close he gets to your personal list.
We’re less than a week away from the Christmas holidays and that means it’s time to reflect on the year that was, with some gaming highlights (and lowlights) of 2015.
Having backwards compatibility on the Xbox One for many 360 games is something that quite a few gamers enjoy. But Sony is digging in and not allowing the same level of usability with the PlayStation 4, unless you want to pay PlayStation Now prices. Not exactly fair or equal treatment?
For an industry that’s famously risk adverse, it seems crazy to line-up all your blockbusters games at once to compete against each other, but that’s what the games industry does every year. Games and gamers suffer, but Chella thinks there’s a solution.
Desperate to play something this holiday season other than Fallout 4? Even vault dwellers sometimes need to come up for air. Todd picks a few choice games that might make for a bit of a distraction.
This is a full disclosure discussion of Life is Strange, so…here be spoilers!
While everyone’s staggering out of the vault, eyes dazzled by the sun and lips seared by the desert wind of Fallout 4, I’ve been finishing Life is Strange. Well, that was weird.
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