Todd finishes the main story of Fallout 4 in 53 hours of play. Not exactly a speed run, and he figures he still has 200 or more hours to invest in the game. Taking a quick pause for air, he reviews some of the interesting points as well as a few annoying quirks that the powerhouse title offered.
In an interview , Frank O’Connor of 343 industries revealed a backwards (in more ways than one) engineered reason for Cortana’s nakedness in Halo 5. Apparently, she’s not naked, it’s all an illusion.
Every year, with Halloween approaching, Todd regales us with tales of games that he finds particularly scary. Last year it was Alien Isolation, which he had to stop playing due to health reasons. This year however, he’s not found any games too terrifying. But there are several things in real life that actually are much more frightening.
I realised something the other week, as I loaded up the Star Wars Battlefront beta. Until that moment, I hadn’t played a game with a gun in it, for over a year.
Rock Band 4 is out, but instead of rocking out with his classic gear, Todd was stuck buying all new equipment because of a shortage of classic adaptors for sale. And he is laying the blame for all of this, and quite a lot of angry frustration, squarely at the feet of Mad Catz.
Billy is heading into the home stretch in his seemingly-impossible New Year’s resolution to clear 25 games from his backlog. As an update, he is actually doing pretty well, though it’s the final stretch that could really leave him just shy of the goal line. Lots of RPGs in there. Will he make it? And have you thought about your own backlog of games too?
The autumn/winter gaming juggernaut is kicking into gear, as the big releases come thick and fast. If you’re not sure what to play next, I’ve got a nifty little guide to the titles to look forward to for the next few months.
Todd is so concerned about the recent rash of poorly-thought out game related crowd-funding projects that he is considering starting a new IndieNoGo column. First up: the recently cancelled Retro VGS.
The BBC’s Grand Theft Auto drama ‘The Gamechangers’ focused on Rockstar’s battle with moral crusader, Jack Thompson, played by Bill Paxton. Danielle Radcliffe stepped up as Sam Houser, who was presented as a Steve Jobs style visionary with a steely determination to have things on his own terms.
Todd has been working hard on his Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain review, but he’s taking his time and not using the infamous “chicken hat” to advance. While he loves the game a lot, it’s not the perfect title some people claim.
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