Howdy everyone. You may not notice this at first, but I’m not Chella, though I play one on TV. Not really. Only Greg Crowe here at GiN actually appears on TV. But I do fill in for Chella when she’s on vacation. She spent the last week at the Glastonbury Festival over in England, which is a pretty big music and cultural event that looks like a lot of fun. Chella and her team of friends help to organize a small part of the show, so she’s doubly tired I’m sure. Meanwhile, here in the United States, we have a … Continue reading What Do We Play On A Long Holiday Weekend?→
Recently Bungie pulled back the curtains a bit on the upcoming Destiny game with a three day Alpha. What we found inside the beautiful and deadly world wasn’t quite a shooter and not really an MMO either, but something unique, and at times, pretty wonderful.
This week Todd wades deep into the dark side of indie gaming, where he finds the creator of the amazingly cool Fez game. But radical views against gamers who stream make the courtship a short one.
With a somewhat subdued E3 Expo 2014, Chella still manages to find the best bits from the show, and reveals quite a few pretty cool gems that are not to be missed. Stop by and see if you sync up with Chella this week on what you are dying to play in 2014.
Todd watched all of the major press conferences from Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts. He brings us his take on what it all means, and picks an overall winner for E3 2014.
Child of Light’s central character is a girl who breaks the fairy tale mold and teaches us that girls don’t have to be like boys to be heroes or to be cool. But does that make it a “girl’s” game? Chella wonders about the game’s mainstream acceptance this week.
With E3 only a few weeks away, Todd takes a look at how the Xbox One could dazzle. Microsoft has a lot of ground to make up from last year. Can their games lineup be the push they need?
This week Chella tackles a few games that attempt to make a statement, or to comment on recent events. This begs the question, are games growing up to where they can express views and change minds? And are gamers ready for that if they are?
Microsoft is pulling out all the stops to try and catch the PS4 in sales, including removing Kinect, dropping the price, and allowing Netflix for non-gold members. The console war is heating up.
Last week Chella celebrated the best game box art of 2013. This week, she tosses some tinder into the fire and gets ready to burn the horrible, the mundane and those boxes that utterly fail artistically.
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