ET exhumed. But was it really that bad?
Todd fires up his Atari 2600 to relive the beautifully flawed E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial game. He wonders why so many were buried by Atari. The game isn’t really so bad.
Todd fires up his Atari 2600 to relive the beautifully flawed E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial game. He wonders why so many were buried by Atari. The game isn’t really so bad.
Chella takes a look at all the amazing game art of the past year. Not what’s inside the game, but on the cover of the box. A sometimes overlooked area, there are some real winners, suitable for framing.
With three months of Xbox One ownership under his belt, Todd lists all the things that the new console is doing well, and a few areas that could use some improvement.
This week Chella examines one of those violence in video games studies we all know so well. Only this time, researchers actually found out that it was the poor controls, not the violent content, that got gamers so frustrated.
After some ups and downs, Double Helix got their groove on with the amazing Killer Instinct, and then promptly got bought up by Amazon. Todd wonders what will happen next with the game, and celebrates the developer’s greatest success.
As many of you know, I served in the United States army. Before that I was a heavy reader thanks to my dad, who was an army infantry veteran. One of the first books he handed me was Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six. It took me a long time to get through a novel that weighed as much as my brother’s pet rock, but I did. From then on I was a Tom Clancy fan and wanted to write a column about how much he contributed to the game industry. Clancy gave us games that were the polar opposite of Call … Continue reading In Remembrance Of Tom Clancy
I’m sure everyone saw Neal’s editorial on Final Fantasy last week, and I’m sure not everyone agreed with it. I know I didn’t, and that’s why I felt I should also write up an editorial to give people another view of the series from a fellow Final Fantasy fan. Just to give some credit to my love of the series, I’ve beaten Final Fantasy 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10, 13 and several of the sequel/prequel/spin-off games. To start this off, I’m going to define a word that gets thrown around a lot in the gaming community. This word is “fanboy.” The term fanboy is … Continue reading Final Fantasy: A Different Take
Todd looks at Sony New VR Project Morpheus
I have been playing Final Fantasy games for a long time. Now, just because I have played a franchise for a long time does not make me a fanboy. Since I’m talking Final Fantasy, I bet Todd would be getting in on this article if he wasn’t mad because my Blue Jackets beat his Capitals in hockey. As many of the long time readers know, Todd is anti-Final Fantasy. This got me to thinking about how far the franchise has come. Each installment has gotten more advanced and introduced something new. Final Fantasy VII set a precedent and each one … Continue reading State of the Franchise: Final Fantasy
Chella and the GiN crew jumped into the recent advanced beta for The Elder Scrolls Online, finding a fun but still flawed world that nonetheless is shaping up to be a powerhouse game.