FPS Equality At Last
The news that women have been added into Call of Duty: Ghosts is a step forward for equality, but Chella wonders if making killing women the norm is really such a good thing.
The news that women have been added into Call of Duty: Ghosts is a step forward for equality, but Chella wonders if making killing women the norm is really such a good thing.
News that one of Todd’s favorite games is only expanding for consoles as a physical media, high-priced release has got him hotter than the time the grays stole his Goliath.
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg may be titans in cinema, but they take a dim view of videogames, saying they can’t tell grand stories. Chella, and we think many gamers, disagree.
This could well be called the summer of retro gaming, with titles like DuckTales Remastered and Flashback bringing the heat, and more on the way. Todd is absolutely delighted.
The United States has E3, and Europe has Gamescom. Coming up soon, the show will give Sony the chance to capture Europe, or help Microsoft get over their E3 black eye.
Once the top dogs of videogames, karate-type fighters are making a comeback with games like Super Street Fighter IV, Killer Instinct and Injustice. Are fighters punching towards victory again?
The big EverQuest Next reveal is just around the corner. Chella goes over what we know so far, how it could compete with WoW, and what we all hope EQN will show us.
Todd finally gets to unbox GiN’s Ouya review unit. He’ll be putting the world’s newest console through its paces and bringing us a full report. But for now, he’s already found a lot to like.
The recent Grand Theft Auto V trailer has got Chella salivating over the pending game. And she’s not alone, even Hideo Kojima is saying GTA5 looks like a masterpiece. Chella looks at what the trailer revealed.
Todd was cautiously optimistic when Microsoft announced that it was patching away the restrictive DRM scheme on its XBox One console. Now some people want to bring it back.