What’s With the 80s Remakes?
Todd falls in love with all things 1980s all over again while playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. For those of you who remember that heady time, there are many 80s-centric remakes. So have at it!
Todd falls in love with all things 1980s all over again while playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. For those of you who remember that heady time, there are many 80s-centric remakes. So have at it!
We all love first person shooters. Games like Call of Duty and Battlefield offer us a lot of combat action. But has anyone noticed that the genre is getting a little bit stale lately, with every title playing copy the leader?
Chella was flabbergasted this week when Microsoft tried to make her pay to watch free TV through her Xbox. Off went the 360, perhaps for good, and on came the PS3.
First we learned that David Hayter would no longer be the voice of Solid Snake, and now Kevin Conroy is kicked out of Arkham Origins? Is this a purge of all our favorite voice actors?
Does having a woman on the cover of a game decrease sales? Many people in the industry seem to think so, but a few brave developers are treading into those waters, slowly.
This week marks both the end of DLCs for Rock Band, and a halt in all production for Skyrim. What’s an addicted gamer to do when content finally stops flowing?
This week our online editor Neal Sayatovich reveals some cool ways you can keep on gaming, even if the economy refuses to cooperate with your fun.
LucasArts was the master of the golden age of gaming, saturating the market with top titles like Sam And Max, Monkey Island, Full Throttle and TIE Fighter. But its time has come, and gone.
News that Kojima won’t recast David Hayter as Snake in the upcoming MGSV: The Phantom Pain, isn’t sitting well with Hargosh and other hardcore fans. Why the betrayal?
Chella awards her own Game of the Year accolades to deserving companies in categories like Best Overall Story, Most Memorable Villain and Favorite Hero. Did your favs make the grade?