What I’m Thankful For This Year
Todd reflects on all the great gaming he’s thankful for this year, and all the ways he’s still being screwed over. You didn’t think his holiday would be all smiles, did you?
Todd reflects on all the great gaming he’s thankful for this year, and all the ways he’s still being screwed over. You didn’t think his holiday would be all smiles, did you?
Chella sinks her teeth into Assassin’s Creed III, and finds a believable minority protagonist that gamers can really get behind.
The fact that Colleen Lachowicz plays World of Warcraft became a campaign issue for a state senate race in Maine. But the voters cast negative ads aside and elected the gamer anyway.
News that Disney has bought LucasFilm will certainly have a huge impact on Star Wars movies and games moving forward. But is that really such a bad thing?
Despite initial reservations, Chella finds that she has taken to the sneaky assassination title Dishonored like a river krust to water. It paints a beautiful, gloomy picture, and is just plain fun.
The mysterious Diva Noir visits New York Comic Con for GiN, and finds a pleasant mix of video games, comic books, and bizarre craziness.
After years of waiting, the game industry finally delivers a good remake of a classic. They even took a risk with XCOM to remind gamers why they love turn-based strategy.
Chella thinks she will absolutely love the world of Dishonoured, but wonders if she can shake off Bioshock Disembodied Hand Syndrome first. Is there a doctor in the house?
Todd gets all domestic with the new Hearthfire DLC for Skyrim, designing and building his own home, adopting a couple kids, and experiencing married bliss (and chaos).
Autumn is upon us, so it’s time to draw the shades, put a log in the fire, and get ready to ward off the season’s chill with some top new games. Chella makes her picks. Have you?