A Boot-level View Of E3 2012
From Star Wars to Halo to Hitman to Neverwinter Nights and Tomb Raider, GiN Reporter Lisa Campos tried to do it all the first day of E3. Now she brings you the highlights before going back for more.
From Star Wars to Halo to Hitman to Neverwinter Nights and Tomb Raider, GiN Reporter Lisa Campos tried to do it all the first day of E3. Now she brings you the highlights before going back for more.
It was all about the Wii U at Nintendo’s E3 Expo press conference this year, with lots of titles being made specifically to take advantage of the new console’s unique design.
Sony put the focus solidly on games at their press event, from the next title coming out from the makers of Heavy Rain, to a unique live-book project with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling.
Surprisingly, a lot of time was devoted to non-gaming applications as Microsoft strives to integrate the 360 console into all parts of daily life. But titles like Halo 4 didn’t disappoint either.
News that Sony has filed for a patent to add game-interrupting advertisements to their games has Todd wondering if its 1950 all over again.
Chella celebrates World Goth Day with ten video games custom made for the creepily cool gothic subculture. Take a walk on the dark side this week!
Although Hargosh is enjoying his new Sony Vita, he’s a little frustrated that the huge slate of great PSP games are not available for it, much less anything from the PS One.
While western gamers experience a lull in new titles, in Japan, May begins with a Golden week that’s practically like a Christmas holiday over here. Febby fills us in.
Chella discusses the suggestion that the Mass Effect 3 ending controversy is a threat to BioWare’s artistic integrity. Do gamers have a right to demand a new ending?
Todd defends Bethsoft’s decision to provide the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim to Xbox 360 gamers exclusively for a time before moving it to other platforms.