Fantasy or Reality?
Gamers are taking a bashing in England once again, after newspapers wrongly interpreted a scientific study to mean that most of us can’t tell the difference between a game world and the real one.
Gamers are taking a bashing in England once again, after newspapers wrongly interpreted a scientific study to mean that most of us can’t tell the difference between a game world and the real one.
This week, Todd compiles a list of the ten people in the game industry that most set his blood boiling, and lists their crimes against gaming.
Times sure have changed since Chella first started writing The GiN Playmate eight years ago. So we retire the old and bring in the new. Goodbye Playmate. Hello Eurofiles!
After a frustrating start that had Todd threatening to put Deus Ex: Human Revolution on his worst games the year list, he now makes a total 180 and becomes one of the game’s biggest fans
Chella literally falls into the new Child of Eden game this week, going down the rabbit hole into a world where butterflies sing and whales float endlessly by on waves of colored light and sound.
The doldrums of the year are upon us, when not a lot of hot new games are released. Todd combats this malaise with a power from yesteryear, the magical ColecoVision.
L.A. Noire was rather disappointing for film fans who wanted a truly noire storyline. But with a possible new developer making the sequel, there’s a chance at redemption. Play it again, Sam.
News that one of Todd’s longtime rivals (and president of a huge gaming company) is backing away from 3D should make Hargosh happy. But he’s still cross-eyed mad.
Chella lists the eight aesthetic choices that games make over and over again, to the point that they are almost starting to blend into one massive single game world.
We all know that publishers need to make money in this industry. But the actions of a few of them may be a bit overreaching, to the point where Todd calls what they make something else…blood money.