Crunch – The Shame of the Industry
Chella highlights the alleged working conditions at Team Bondi this week, with mandatory 12-hour days, no vacation and no credit given for good work. Is this how we want to run our industry?
Chella highlights the alleged working conditions at Team Bondi this week, with mandatory 12-hour days, no vacation and no credit given for good work. Is this how we want to run our industry?
A new bill designed to protect copyrighted material online could actually end up hurting the game industry by restricting a popular type of reviews.
Chella returns after a week at Glastonbury, and brings us a message of more environmentally friendly gaming, perfect for an industry where small changes could make a big difference.
With 2011 half over, Todd rants about the many highs and lows games have offered so far, in what is turning out to be one of the craziest years for gamers in recent memory.
A lot has been said about the hardware announcements at E3, but Chella looks at some of the games that also made a huge splash. And check out some of these dazzling trailers.
Todd takes the two biggest announcements from E3 Expo 2011, the PlayStation Vita and the Wii U, and analyzes them to predict which will ultimately have more of an impact.
Chella laments the fact that while L.A. Noire is a great game, it barely falls within the Noire genre. Still, it shows that games can tell a great story, and sets itself up for one heck of a sequel.
After getting his project fleshed out, aspiring developer Dave Tucker finds a bevy of free game development apps, explores the world of 3D animation, and decides not to cancel the whole thing, for now.
Todd plays LA Noir, but not the way you might think. He goes into Black and White mode and finds that, at least with some games, color is optional.
The great Sony stolen data crisis is winding down, so Chella looks back on the situation, and finds that the company blundered at nearly every turn. Here’s how not to handle a crisis.