This week Save State looks at Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons, the newest addition to the Double Dragon franchise. Double Dragon Gaiden attempts to capture the old school flavor of past Double Dragon titles with a modern flair.
Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich is still slowly recovering from his foot surgery. He’s still in a lot of pain, but being immobilized is not quite as bad while he is able to escape into the classic world of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Dragon Age: Inquisition is an RPG developed by BioWare.
We all know that Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney enjoys platforming titles, and the classic 20XX was one of his favorites. But now, developer Batterystaple Games has released 20XX’s sequel 30XX, which are both inspired by the Mega Man series.
Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich is still recovering from his foot surgery, which gives him plenty of time to enjoy his recently repaired Xbox 360 console. Neal has been looking at some of his favorite classic titles from his youth, and this week sets his sights at N3: Ninety-Nine Nights.
This week Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney is enjoying Risk of Rain 2, an action roguelite third-person shooter that has up to four players trying to escape a chaotic alien planet by fighting monsters in an increasingly hostile environment.
This week Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich puts on his fedora hat and discusses his Indiana Jones-type crusade in searching for classic titles from his youth. He’s already uncovered one treasure but is searching for many more.
This week Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney bypasses his entire backlog to jump into a brand new platformer on Steam called Gravity Circuit. Several hours later, he declares it a mighty hit.
This week Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich continues his look at Final Fantasy XIII. This RPG was pretty polarizing when it was first released. Neal recently decided to take a look at it again after not playing it for several years.
This week Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney relives his childhood and tackles a modern game in Advance Wars 1 and 2 Re-Boot Camp which is a remake of the first two titles in the Advance Wars series. Advance Wars 1 and 2 Re-Boot Camp tests players strategic skills in turn-based battles.
Having recently relocated to a very rural area, Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich found himself without access to his modern gaming gear for a while. So, he had a wild idea to go back and play one of the most polarizing RPGs ever made, Final Fantasy XIII.
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