Celebrating the joy that all different kinds of videogames can bring, our Save State column is written by longtime gamer and GiN reviewer Vincent Mahoney. He plays way too many games to be able to officially review them all, but we can tap into his amazing gaming world and learn about some hidden gems right here in Save State!
Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney continues his tour of the Mega Man universe this week with the title that many consider to be the best of the original series: Mega Man Three.
Common wisdom says that the first three titles were among the best of the Mega Man series. Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney continues his quest to find out this week with Mega Man Two.
Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney writes this week about being confined to bed with a bad flu and playing Mega Man One from the Mega Man Legacy Collection.
Neal Sayatovich is taking over the Save State column this week while its regular columnist Vincent Mahoney is feeling under the weather. Neal writes about the two titles Final Fantasy VIII Remastered and Against the Storm.
Not every horror title has to be an action-packed fight to the death. This week Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney enjoys the subtle horror of working in a call center for customers with mysterious monster problems in Home Safety Hotline.
When Flowstone Saga combined RPG elements with Tetris to form a colorful and expansive campaign world, it really caught Save State columnist and GiN’s veteran RPGer Vincent Mahoney flatfooted but in a very good way.
Filled with holiday cheer and maybe too much eggnog, Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney pens his entire holiday column this year in a glorious (he made us say that) rhyming style.
Faced with a bit of free time as the holiday season ramps up, Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney tries his hand at deck building with a fun title called Chrono Ark.
After an accident involving a shelf full of Nintendo DS games, Save State’s Vincent Mahoney uncovers a hidden gem: his old Lost in Blue Nintendo DS cartridge. So now, he’s getting lost with it, again.
For the past few weeks, Save State’s Vincent Mahoney has been hunting amazingly powerful creatures in the Monster Hunter Wilds beta. Hear his report about exploring the desert and trying out new weapons.
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