GamerchiX Unite!
Despite promises from Microsoft to eliminate sexual harassment on Xbox Live, girls are finding a poisoned atmosphere with more shrapnel than a Call of Duty 4 server.
Despite promises from Microsoft to eliminate sexual harassment on Xbox Live, girls are finding a poisoned atmosphere with more shrapnel than a Call of Duty 4 server.
Todd and Kelly go head to head to find out if Guitar Hero III or Rock Band is the better game. Oh, and we try to raise some money for Kelly’s MS walk fundraiser.
Seeing that Hargosh finally got a PS3, reviewer James Maddox sees the final sign that Sony is on the way to the top of the pile again. So it is written.
With Chella off this week, we check in on our chief editor as he vacations in Middle Earth with Lord of the Rings online.
Reviewer Ryan Allen thought he was in seventh heaven when he got his new gaming laptop. Little did he know he would soon be somewhere else that rhymes with Dell.
With Todd busy fighting Halo 3, we have special guest columnist Kelly Adams in the driver’s seat, talking about how Guitar Hero helps her cope with the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
The Darkness on the PS3 may have some pretty disgusting scenes which evoke strong emotions, but this is really only the beginning stage of gaming’s evolution.
The Wii may be a great system, but only for games specifically designed to work with its innovative controls. Otherwise, they fall a little flat.
There are many ways for developers to pull players into their worlds. This week we look at two different approaches, one of them quite expensive.
New laws now give game developers the chance to copyright their works in progress. Our special guest columnists explain the process.