Category Archives: Gamer Blogs

Game Industry News highlights the best blog posts from people writing about the game industry. These were originally posted on the authors’ respective blogs.

Fan Collective Unimatrix 47: Strange New Worlds “The Elysian Kingdom” Episode

In this week’s Strange New Worlds “The Elysian Kingdom” episode, M’Benga has been burning the proverbial candle at both ends being frustrated with his lack of progress in finding a cure for Nakiya. Thus, when he finds himself living the events of his daughter’s favorite book, he believes himself to be hallucinating. However, he must work through the story to find out the truth behind the story.

Fan Collective Unimatrix 47: SNW’s “Lift Us Up Where Suffering Cannot Reach” Episode

On this week’s Strange New Worlds episode, Pike on a routine cartography mission rescues an alien shuttle only to discover that one of the people aboard is an old flame. Pike becomes embroiled in what appears to be a conspiracy to assassinate the First Servant. However, nothing is as it seems, and what Pike finds will challenge his ideas of morality and the validity of sacrifice.