Best Games of E3 2017
Drew and Chella discuss the best games of E3 2017. For the definitive list, listen up to Argue the Toss.
Drew and Chella discuss the best games of E3 2017. For the definitive list, listen up to Argue the Toss.
The Argue the Toss team has been caught in the lasso of truth, so they’re here to give their verdict on the new Wonder Woman movie. Drew and Chella discuss and dissect the latest in the DC cinematic universe.
In this episode of geek podcast, Argue the Toss, Drew and Chella review Alien Covenant and then rank it among the whole Alien franchise (excluding AvP).
This week the GiN Lounge gang head out to a galaxy far, far away. No, not that one, the one from Mass Effect: Andromeda. After waking up from a 600-year sleep, we dive into one of the largest open-world space games this side of the Milky Way.
Chella and Drew have traveled to the far-flung future of 2049 to watch the trailer for Blade Runner 2049, the sequel to the original Blade Runner, which takes place in the far-flung future of two years from now. They return with deep and well-considered opinions, and also a sports almanac I’m not supposed to tell anybody about.
March was chock full of must play games, so Drew and Chella struggled to keep up. In this episode of Argue the Toss they discuss just some of the big and little games of the month, from Zelda, to Horizon Zero Dawn and NiER: Automata.
Marion Constante from The GiN Lounge gang was hanging out with thousands of other Star Wars fans in Orlando this week at Star Wars Celebration 2017, one of the coolest places in the galaxy. She brought back movie, comic book, Rebels and videogame news for us about all things Star Wars.
It’s all said and done, and we are left to sweep up the confetti after an amazing Game of the Year party. Thousands of you cast your votes and painstakingly choose the best games that 2016 had to offer. Join us in the lounge as we celebrate the winners this week!
Marvel have finally rounded out their Defenders line-up with their series about literally everybody’s favourite superhero – Iron Fist. Drew and Chella discuss the show’s mixed reception with a first impressions episode of Argue the Toss.
Chella and Drew discuss their favourite female characters in games – the ones who are strong, independent, memorable for their character not their cleavage or lack of clothes and serve as more than just a love interest. This episode of Argue the Toss is a belated nod to International Women’s Day 2017.