Books we’d like to see as games Part 2
Arguing the Toss with Chella this week, is John Breeden, with part 2 of books that would make great games. This episode involves serial killers, rafts and orcs.
Arguing the Toss with Chella this week, is John Breeden, with part 2 of books that would make great games. This episode involves serial killers, rafts and orcs.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best role-playing games to come out in years, and this is coming from people who were lukewarm about the first two games. Come and see why The Witcher 3 is worth your time this week in The GiN Lounge.
This episode of Argue the Toss takes James and Chella into the library. There they find our editor, John Breeden and discuss books they’d like to see as games.
With the dust starting to settle on what was a very exciting E3 Expo, the GiN Lounge gang come together to rate and react to the major press conferences put on by Bethesda Software, Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Square Enix, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.
James and Chella thought it could never happen, but then Sony announced Shenmue III and the Last Guardian at E3. As mega fans of these series, they Argue the Toss, as only they can.
It’s time to contemplate the what ifs and what the effs of E3. Our intrepid editor, John “reckons he’s seen it all at E3” Breeden joins James and Chella to discuss things they’d like to see at E3, but are unlikely to ever happen, ever.
So you’ve got a room for rent or you’re looking for a house share, but all the possible options mean you’ll be living with a gaming character. How do you decide? James and Chella to the rescue, once again, with Argue the Toss – the 15 minute podcast that answers modern life’s pressing questions.
On hearing that Watchdogs is getting a sequel, Chella and James thought there were other games that deserved a follow-up, but never got a look in. These are the sequels that never got made, but should have, according to Argue the Toss.
Like the infamous Mako (which is reportedly making a return) rumors are flying about what is going into Mass Effect 4. We take everything with a grain of salt, but then go ahead and discuss each one this week in the lounge. What part of ME4 are you most looking forward to seeing? It looks like there will be a lot to love.
Imagine the dulcet tones of Morgan Freeman. Now imagine the velvety timbre of his voice playing your favourite game characters. That’s what this episode of Argue the Toss is about. The gang discusses penguins and ‘the Freeman Effect’ – listen up to find out what it all means.