Category Archives: Podcasts

Going Undercover As A Female Gamer

For the past two months, Michael Blaker has been working undercover. He posed as a female gamer to find out if all the talk about women players being mistreated in games was true. Come learn how he did it, and some of the surprising things he learned in the GiN Lounge this week.

Marvel Games We’d Like to See

This episode of Argue the Toss is our most prophetic yet. Recorded earlier this week, it predicts a world where Marvel and TellTale are working together to create an awesome comics, meets games situation. Plus James and Chella have a special guest in to talk about Marvel games we’d like to see.

Fantasy Game Bands

On Argue the Toss this week, things go a bit musical. Don’t worry, James and Chella aren’t singing, but they are back with their fantasy game bands. This episode includes Sonic, Airwolf, Professor Layton and more. But how and why? There’s only one way to find out…

Analyzing the Games of the Year

With the GiN Games of the Year awards complete for 2014, the inevitable controversy over who won what can begin. Did the best games win? That, as always with the games of the year contest, is open for interpretation. But come on, that’s what makes the whole thing so much fun.

Taming Those DLC Monsters

Downloaded content for games, or DLC, can be a great way to extend the gameplay beyond what is originally offered for those who love the game. But these days, there is quite a lot of crappy DLC, day one DLC that should be part of the main game, or inconsequential items that aren’t worth the money. How can we tame those DLC beasts?