E3’s Console War Shootout
Nintendo sneaks into E3 at the last second, but the real shots are between Microsoft and Sony, as the battle for the hearts and minds of console gamers goes into overdrive.
Nintendo sneaks into E3 at the last second, but the real shots are between Microsoft and Sony, as the battle for the hearts and minds of console gamers goes into overdrive.
First we learn that David Hayter won’t be cast as Snake, and now Kevin Conroy won’t be Batman? What’s the deal with publishers firing all our favorite videogame voice actors?
Microsoft reveals the XBox One. We talk about what we know, what we don’t know, and what gamers still need to find out about the world’s newest console.
Recent decisions to eliminate female characters from the cover of top games, or to push them to the back, were made in the name of increased sales. But don’t we all like cover girls?
Gaming is an expensive habit sometimes, but there are lots of ways that a frugal player can have some fun without digging too deeply into their wallet.
Breaking tradition, the year 2013 starts out with a bang, with almost a dozen top tier titles hitting the streets in three short months, with more are on the way. Happy days are here again!
Over 100,000 of you voted on the top games of the year, and you made some amazing choices. Our chief editor heads to the lounge to give his insights and opinions on your picks this week.
There is a serious debate raging in the United States about gun control, and the game industry has been pulled into it. Are games too violent? Or is it all in good fun?
Now that we’ve all had time to digest what Sony revealed about the PlayStation 4, and also what they didn’t say, it’s time to talk about it in the lounge. Did the opening gambit impress?
With offensive scandals last year surrounding game ads for titles like Hitman and Tomb Raider, you would think the industry learned some lessons. Wrong. Enter Torso-gate for Dead Island: Riptide.