In With The New!
We celebrate the launch of the new GiN Website this week, and point out the new features and functionality, plus shine a bit of light on the folks who help to make possible every single day.
We celebrate the launch of the new GiN Website this week, and point out the new features and functionality, plus shine a bit of light on the folks who help to make possible every single day.
Not even a 5.9 magnitude earthquake can keep us from this week’s GiN Lounge show. The trouble is, gamers don’t seem to have the same attitude about their games, as a survey shows most remain unfinished.
A surprising if not shocking video posted on our Facebook page shows the comical, misinformed and somewhat inexcusable way Native Americans have been portrayed in games. Sound familiar?
The GiN Lounge achieves centenarian status by reaching its 100th episode! So we’re hosting a huge party in the lounge to celebrate, and everyone is invited. Come laugh it up in a most unusual show this week.
The game industry has often been accused of a lack of innovation, but quite a few titles have come out recently that deserve special praise. And what of the new games this holiday season?
Our third show on the economy in a year, publisher Wooley points out some interesting trends, like how the unemployment numbers can really affect the GiNDex and the industry’s overall health.
A group of disgruntled employees are shining an unflattering spotlight on Team Bondi, developers of the hot LA Noire game, alleging hostile working conditions, long unpaid hours and low respect.
Every Saturday GiN brings you a special kind of review, the Time Waster, which shows you the best way to fritter away your precious time. Meet the genius behind the new feature, this week in the GiN Lounge.
Sony needed a great E3 Expo showing to regain momentum in the gaming world, and they got it with some amazing news about their new portable player, the Sony Vita. The big S is back!
Nintendo showed off their next great console at the E3 Expo trade show, and left everyone wondering exactly how much the Wii U could really do, and how much it would cost. Still, it looked darn impressive in the demo.