The Supreme Court Rules
The Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 that the California law banning the sale of violent games was unconstitutional, with some justices going so far as to declare that games are in fact, art. Funny, we’ve known that for a while.
The Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 that the California law banning the sale of violent games was unconstitutional, with some justices going so far as to declare that games are in fact, art. Funny, we’ve known that for a while.
Although they didn’t have any hardware announcements, Microsoft nearly stole the E3 show by hinting at Halo 4, showing off how games like Mass Effect 3 can work with Kinect and adding live TV to their console. Is hardcore gaming back?
E3 Expo 2011 turned out to be chocked full of surprises, from the Wii U to the newest Sony handheld, to an original Halo and a ton of cool-looking games. We digest all the news from the show this week.
Half the year is behind us, and half is right in front. While everyone gathers at E3 Expo this week to plot the second half of 2011, we take a look back at the six months under our belts so far, and gaze for future clues.
Our own Gamer Geeks, two hardcore Xbox 360 players, have recently brought the Sony PlayStation 3 into their lives. So which console is better, and does it really matter anymore which one someone owns?
This week Kelly "convinces" Todd how great Heavy Rain is despite his objections, and they both try new things as the former 360-only gamers move into the world of the PS3.
News that 70 million subscribers on the Sony PlayStation Network had personal information, and possibly credit cards, stolen sent shockwaves through the gamer community. What happened, and who’s to blame?
An angry cartoon reader makes us take a long look at the role of women in the game industry this week, both working behind the scenes and also as girl gamers. It’s a girl power lounge this week.
Sega apparently knew about the fan-based Streets of Rage remake for eight years, but waited until the free game was out for a week before quashing it legally. Question is: were they forced?
Ring-a-ding, baby! With the first few months of 2011 in the can, we find a year that’s off to a great start. So we pour some vodka into the computers (really, for cooling) and kick off a celebratory lounge.