Category Archives: Podcasts

Election Day UK

England is going to the polls today to elect a new government. And surprisingly, support for the British video game industry has become a national issue. Chella sorts it all out, and endorses a winner.

Here Comes The Judges

The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on a California case that could have serious repercussions for the entire game industry, and all gamers everywhere. There isn't much lounging in the lounge this week. Join the discussion.

Drug Usage In Games

Drugs have been around for as long as humanity, but only recently have they started creeping into computer games. Is there a place for them within a game's story, or should we start getting the banning stamp ready?

New Wave Shooters

Shooters have been a staple of the industry for almost as long as this has been an industry. But today innovative games like STALKER Call of Pripyat, Bioshock 2 and Borderlands are offering something a bit more.