All You Need Is Love
A great story, sandbox modes, and free downloaded content. Yes! It’s all stuff gamers love. In part two of this two part episode, The GiN Lounge crew praise gameplay elements that rise above the pack.
A great story, sandbox modes, and free downloaded content. Yes! It’s all stuff gamers love. In part two of this two part episode, The GiN Lounge crew praise gameplay elements that rise above the pack.
Save crystals, boss battles, and lame DLC packs. Oh my! It’s all stuff gamers love to hate. In part one of this two part episode, The GiN Lounge crew hunt down gameplay elements that need to die.
Think you are addicted to video games? A new study suggests that it’s possible. Tune in as The GiN Gang takes the new addict test on air, and follow along to see if you qualify as a pathological game player yourself.
It has been a little while since we have seen any really unique games. After one developer writes the GiN Lounge asking for help, we set off on a quest to find out if there are any great unexplored game genres left out there in the untapped wild.
Three's company this week on The Gamer Geeks when they invite Kelly's husband Brandon to join the show. Topics include Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet 2, COD World at War DLC, and a rant about The Watchmen.
A recent report says that MMO subscriptions will grow to $2 billion by 2013, and our experts think even that might be a little low. But what’s a good MMO that can grab a big piece of that pie made of? We find out!
Played any good movies lately? Not likely, as games based on movies are rarely very good. And movies based on games are often worse. So why can’t these genres get along? We find out.
Bam! Pow! Blammo! This week The GiN Lounge crew tackles a rather explosive topic: violence in video games. Can they get through a whole show without coming to blows?
The Geeks are back this week where they give their first impressions on games like Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Street Fighter IV, and Killzone 2. And we want to thank our good friend Debo/ Darin for the music in this show.
Over 100,000 GiN Readers can’t be wrong! Can they? You picked the Games Of the Year, and now our editors have their say in this special double length Podcast of The GiN Lounge.