This week we circle back to The Sword Chronicles series with Child of Sorrow. Although author Michaelbrent Collings writes some depressing stories overall, the plot of this entry is just as intense and action packed as the first.
You would think that having the nice dragon, Julius, take control of his clan from his evil mother would be riveting, but Book Three of the Heartstrikers series is a bit of a downturn for the series. Still good, but we know it could be better.
Starspawn makes for an effective mixture of horror mixed with sword and sorcery. The elements of one reinforce the other well here, so fans of either genre should give it a try.
Set in the Pathfinder world of Golarian, Shy Knives gives us an incredible street level view of the sad history of Taldor, showing how it breeds desperate characters holding on to every little scrap.
If you haven’t gotten into the Craft Sequence novels yet, then you are really missing out on an amazing set of interconnected stories. Full Fathom Five rounds out the bunch, with its own engaging story.
In our literary review this week we continue exploring the Heartstrikers series, following the exploits of hapless exiled dragon Julius. He’s laying low in Detroit, but his draconic family has other dark plans.
All of Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence novels are wonderfully plotted in a sophisticated world where law and order mixes with magic. And so far, Four Roads Cross is the best of the bunch, and that is saying quite a lot.
When the smallest dragon in the Heartstriker clan just can’t bring himself to be draconic, his mother traps him in human form and strands him in Detroit. He can only come home when he learns that Nice Dragons Finish Last in this charming.
Three Parts Dead is another of the interesting stories from the Craft Sequence by Max Gladstone. This time, Gods offer power to distant cities in return for protection from monsters, and other bizarrely cool plots.
Michael’s back with the latest entry in one of his favorite Urban Fantasy series for his Book Review this week! It’s Rogues, A Demon Accords Novel, by John Conroe!
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