The Acquisitions Incorporated supplement for Dungeons and Dragons is packed with the same kind of wacky, over the top corporate humor found in the famous Penny Arcade podcasts and comics of the same name. If you love those, then this is your game.
In the Alex and Cassidy spy thriller we have been covering by author Nancy Ann Healy, this is the book that finally provides the big answers. And it doesn’t disappoint. Conspiracy is a delight for fans of the previous books, or simply fans of spy thrillers.
Book Review- Star Trek Discovery: The Enterprise War
Captain Pike is the hero of Star Trek Discovery: The Enterprise War, a book that takes place in the brief moment when Pike was captain of the Enterprise, but before he took over command of the Discovery. It’s a good read and a straightforward sci-fi adventure.
We are looking at some educational books designed to teach kids how to code. First up is Make Your Own Scratch Games, by author and videogame designer Anna Anthropy. This is a great tool for beginners, and will have them making their own games in no time.
Commitment is book three in the Alex and Cassidy series, and like those before it delivers a plot that is laden with heavy intrigue. Some might say that Commitment is more of the same, but if you like spycraft in your books, this series has it in spades.
Book Review- Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain’s Oath
Fans of the original Star Trek are not going to want to miss seeing how events made Kirk one of Starfleet’s most iconic captains. Beyond just the Kirk angle, this is good science fiction at its best.
The Intersection book we reviewed before was a great spy thriller with heavy romance overtones. Betrayal follows that success and finds heroines Alex and Cassidy deep in more dangerous spycraft.
Looking for a new boardgame? Titles like Munchkin, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, and One Night Ultimate Werewolf are great fun, if you know about them. Bebo’s new guidebook picks 100 top games, and explains what they are all about and who should play them.
Book Review- Intersection, Alex and Cassidy Book 01
It’s refreshing to find a book that blends the crime thriller genre with romance, especially for readers who are into one or the other, or both. Although there are a few missteps here and there, for the most part Intersection is a powerfully good read.
Book Review- Classic Game Design: From Pong to Pac-Man with Unity
The Classic Game Design book is more than just a paper guide. It comes with a CD and all the programs needed to learn, step by step, how to code games that ruled the arcades during the classic coin operated era of gaming.
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