Players in Aces and Adventures will combine traditional poker hands from a 52-card deck with others depicting spells and magical abilities in a unique card battler that is easy to pick up and play but difficult to master – just like you’d want in a deckbuilding adventure.
Anemoiapolis is one of the most unique horror games that we have encountered in a long time because other than a few obligatory jump scares, it entirely centers on the unsettling feeling of being alone in both strange and mundane environments.
Company of Heroes 3 continues a long tradition of real-time strategy World War II games going back almost 20 years. This newest installment adds a detailed campaign map, new abilities and units, and a new RTS platform that is primed for even more expansions and DLCs.
Maze Blaze is a colorful shooter that brings to mind arcade games of yesteryear, while also using all the horsepower of modern consoles or gaming PCs in order to deliver a sense-overloading, colorful experience filled with blazing lights and sound as you run and gun through endless, chaotic levels.
As one of the most detailed World War II tactical wargames to be released in years, Second Front does a good job of balancing unit complexities, strategy and accessible gameplay. Strategy gamers will want to quickly enlist for Second Front.
Game Review- Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021 (Nintendo Switch Version)
Simulation gaming is huge these days, with popular titles originally released for the PC finally making their way to consoles. We grab a socket wrench and grease gun and jump into Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator, now on the Nintendo Switch.
Those who have read the Harry Potter series are going to be thrilled to find Hogwarts Castle come to life, but actually anyone who enjoys open world RPGs, exciting magical combat and a vivid realm filled with daring quests and hidden secrets should also enroll in Hogwarts Legacy.
Fire Emblem Engage brings new life to the 30-year-old Fire Emblem series while also managing to include mechanics from the GBA and SNES era titles, some features introduced in the 3DS games, and even elements from Three Houses. It’s the best of all worlds in Fire Emblem Engage.
Certainly one of the most unusual shooters to come out in years, High On Life is a title that features an incredibly detailed and bizarre world filled with weird, angry and downright hilarious aliens where even your guns come armed with snarky comments and witty banter.