Arcade Spirits is a romantic visual novel set it a wonderful alternative history where the videogame crash of 1983 never happened, and the arcades of yesteryear never went out of style. You get to run your own arcade while trying to find true love.
Take us out to the ballgame, just not the one from RBI Baseball 19. This messy attempt at major league baseball gets everything wrong, from basic fundamentals to slowdowns and crashes, to a weird, unavoidable mercy rule where professional baseball teams simply give up if they fall behind.
While not quite the epic turn-based strategy game we hoped it would be, Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics has some interesting points, like mixing XCom tactical gameplay with Lovecraftian Mythos. Set during World War II in the Ardennes Forest, you will be fighting Nazis and other monsters.
If you love soccer but don’t like the complexity of most sports games, you might enjoy Legendary Eleven and it’s more arcade-like interface. You don’t need fancy controller skills to pull off some legendary maneuvers on this field, which makes Legendary Eleven worth kicking around.
Heavily inspired by the classic Advance Wars game, Wargroove is a competent and exciting wargame with a brilliant single player mode and plenty of multiplayer action too. In fact, Wargroove is a lesson in how to create a game with both sound strategy and tactics.
A perfect balance between dungeon-running and deck building, Slay the Spire is one of the most unique and fun rogue-like titles that our reviewers have played in a long time. You will easily find yourself delving ever deeper, and trying to build the perfect deck to get you just a little bit further.
The life of a wartime airplane mechanic might not be as exciting as a fighter pilot, but when you only have a few minutes to patch bullet holes, change the oil and fix a wonky head gasket, your skill will really be taxed to get those war machines flying again.
Mages of Mystralia is a cool Zelda-like game that puts a heavy emphasis on crafting your own unique arsenal of spells. It’s so powerful that you can even break the game a little bit, solving puzzles far before you should.
Leaving the cramped metro tunnels behind for the wide open Russian countryside, Metro Exodus takes series fans on an amazing, wild new ride that will have them exploring hot deserts, lush forests, sweltering swamps, and of course, a few classic underground tunnels.
Overall, Rehtona is an adorable little puzzle platformer that has players navigating between light and dark worlds, and having actions taken in them influence one another. Even the name Rehtona is another puzzle itself. See if you can figure it out.
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