Category Archives: Game Review

Steaming to Greatness with Frostpunk

Developer 11bit Studios have done it yet again, this time combining deep city and empire building, a haunting story, and plenty of surprises into the frozen masterpiece that is Frostpunk. Those looking for something new and cool (or cold) can chill out with this unique city-building experience.

Passing On Smoke and Sacrifice

Smoke and Sacrifice is a game with a lot of potential, a unique world and interesting gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, it also has some of the biggest bugs and technical flaws that we have ever experienced in a supposedly complete Nintendo Switch title.

Pulling the Trigger on Destiny 2: Warmind

Destiny 2 continues to expand with Warmind DLC, giving players access to new areas, new enemies, exotic weapons, a unique new raid, and several hours of new single-player content. For those who love this sci-fi shooter, its just more icing on the cake, though it doesn’t actually change the core game in any significant ways.