Looking in on Stranger Things: The Game
Stranger Things: The Game is on our Time Waster’s mind this week as he prepares for the second season that is coming out later this month.
Stranger Things: The Game is on our Time Waster’s mind this week as he prepares for the second season that is coming out later this month.
RBI Baseball 2017 is yet another attempt from Major League Baseball to field a passable baseball title. While the 2017 version is better than before, and now has a Nintendo Switch version, it still seems a bit like the minor leagues.
What happens when poor Bob Johansson gets killed crossing the street and wakes up 100 years later as an artificial intelligence that is property of the state? In We Are Legion (We are Bob) novel, a lot of humorous and exciting plot twists.
NBA Playgrounds shoots for a fun experience that anyone can pick up and play, hearkening back to the classic days of NBA Jam and NBA Street. But can Playgrounds compete on the same court as those heavyweights? Let’s go court side and find out!
This week our Time Waster is checking out Darkest Hunters, a game that got its start on mobile devices and is now available on PC.
The original Destiny broke the mold, offering an RPG/Shooter and Online combo game that was fast and furious. But it was missing some key elements, like a deep plot. Have no fear, Destiny 2 keeps its predecessor’s best running and gunning elements, while fixing myriad flaws. Your Destiny is here!
If you are looking for a plausible story, then Putin’s Gambit could arguably fit that bill. However, other than touching base with current events in the real world, this one ends up being a fairly standard military thriller that doesn’t stand up to masterpieces like Tom Clancy’s tales.
Having found the medicine for our injured friend, the next part was so simple. Head south along the broken tracks and deliver the life-saving prize. But in The Long Dark, nothing is easy. Three blizards and five wolf packs swept in to bar the way.
This week out Time Waster is taking on Senko no Ronde 2, which is a game from Japan that takes a stab at mixing the shump and fighting genres.
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen adds new missions, enemies, factions and gameplay to an already amazing baseline game. If you liked the original XCOM 2 title, and why not given how great it was, then you will love War of the Chosen almost as much as a full sequel.