Race for the Galaxy is a Mix on Mobile
This week our Time Waster has found a card/board game called Race for the Galaxy to kill some time with, but its a bit of a mixed bag.
This week our Time Waster has found a card/board game called Race for the Galaxy to kill some time with, but its a bit of a mixed bag.
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs is an expanded port of Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters from 2015. Like before, the game plays like a visual novel with extremely fun gameplay elements added to the campy yet confident, enjoyable mix.
While The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is doing great overall, episode three, Above the Law, is a bit of low point in the series. It’s one of those transitional episodes where not much happens other than setting us up for future adventures.
Steeplejack is the first book in the Alternative Detective series by A. J. Hartley, and as opening novels go, this is one of the best. Come explore a world of steeples and smokestacks alongside an amazing cast of characters.
An RPG and turn based strategy game, The Great Whale Road is the story of a Viking Jarl and his warband as they winter in Ulfarrsted and go on raids and quests each summer. Explore the history and culture of the European Dark Ages and battle many enemies in this fun tabletop adventure.
Billy’s time wasting this week brings him to a puzzle game called XLOX that doesn’t really do anything new, but is well designed.
After a five-year wait, Mass Effect: Andromeda just about meets expectations, without exceeding them. It’s a fair Mass Effect game, as opposed to a great one. But there is plenty to do and see in this new galaxy, making the new series more than worth the trip.
The Road to Boruto DLC for the Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 game adds some new areas and gameplay events taken right from the popular Boruto Movie. It’s a nice addition to the core title, but probably only really interesting for core fans of the series.
If you are looking for a cool way to experience your new Nintendo Switch, then Skylanders: Imaginators is a great title that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, adults or kids. And the innovative design of the Switch even helps to enhance the gameplay, so let’s get switching.
This week Billy was stuck to his computer and he found a neat little browser game called Revenge of Dog that you should definitely check out!