Time Waster Billy has finally found his smartphone, just seconds before it was going to be destroyed by the insidious washing machine. Rearmed, he loads up the mobile game Bouncy Polygon for some fun with shapes of all sizes, well, specific geometric shapes anyway.
TimeWaster Billy is off duty for Christmas, but no worries, as we have a cool app review from Marie. Gather up the eggnog and enjoy the hidden object game Frankenstein: Master of Death, a title a bit more at home during a different holiday.
Jewel Hearts is a puzzle game that is very similar to many other countless matching puzzlers available as an app. But what it lacks in originality of concept, it makes up for in the size of its playable space.
Welcome Time Wasters! This week’s time waster is a little different than what I noramlly play. This week I spent my time with Icarus. Icarus is a game that is based off of the old myth of what happens when someone flies too close to the sun, except humans are replaced with paper airplanes. Icarus is a game that was made for a game jam. For those who don’t know, game jams are typically events where developers are given restrictions and are told to make a game in a certain amount of time. This particular game jam had developers creating a game … Continue reading Flying to the Sun with Icarus→
Taking one of the most ancient of games to the most modern of platforms is a match made in heaven for chess enthusiasts, or PlayStation gamers who want to challenge their strategic abilities.
Welcome Time Wasters! This week it was hard to get much of anything in terms of gaming done because I was too distracted by E3. I’m a Wii U owner and I’m definitely excited for almost everything Nintendo announced. Maybe this E3 will be the proof that some people needed to know that the Wii U isn’t going to fail. Either way, I’m getting off track. This week I played a small browser-based game titled A Kitty Dream. As the name implies, the game takes place inside the dream of a kitty that then goes to sleep in its own dream … Continue reading A Kitty Dreams of Wasting Time→
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