Doom, Painkiller, Quake and their like helped to usher in a golden age of shooters that lasted for many years. Today, modern shooters are much more advanced, but if you are missing out on that old school style, you can lock and load with Bloodhound.
Quickly rising to the number one spot in sales for both the PlayStation and Steam charts, Helldivers 2 deploys with one of the most interesting and action-packed, third person squad-based shooters to grace consoles and the PC in many years.
With an incredible story and amazing gameplay, it’s no wonder that The Last of Us series has spanned three console generations. Now, The Last of Us Part II Remastered for the PlayStation 5 brings upgraded 4K graphics and an entirely new rogue-like mode that is not to be missed.
RoboCop: Rogue City acts as an amazing sequel to the RoboCop movie from 1987, even featuring the voice of the original RoboCop actor Peter Weller. Beautifully built with Unreal Engine 5, this is one of the best-looking and surprisingly deep shooters to come out in a very long time.
Game Review- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Single Player Campaign
The single player campaign for Call of Duty Modern Warfare III is one of the most innovative in the entire series. Gone are the missions on-rails in favor of a more open world environment that gives players choices in completing objectives while also rewarding exploration.
This week Modern Gamer columnist Marie Brownhill takes on the military junta ruling the massive dystopian sci-fi city of SPRAWL, a fast-paced shooter where building up adrenaline is just as important as collecting ammo.
Game Review- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Multiplayer
The release of a new Call of Duty title is always something to celebrate, and Modern Warfare III already has millions of dedicated players for the multiplayer, zombie and single player campaigns. First up, we review the multiplayer aspects of this thoroughly modern shooter.
Game Review- 10th Anniversary Edition of Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
The 10th Anniversary Edition of Call of Juarez: Gunslinger celebrates the first-person shooter title that pays homage to the bounty hunter Silas Greaves. Players get to experience the epic tales of Silas Greaves on the trail of notorious outlaws in the old Wild West.
Game Review- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Beta
Activision pulled back the curtains on the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III with two weekends of multiplayer betas. The GiN team was there and checked out the pending title on both next generation consoles and older hardware. It was quite a blast.
Digital Extremes multiplayer high mobility shooter Warframe has been going strong for over a decade, and it has frequent updates and new features to keep it fresh. Warframe is so popular that Digital Extremes hosts an annual convention called TennoCon which is attented by thousands of fans every year.
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