Explore a dystopian future where augmented humans are reality but conflict has caused a rift in society. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Adam Jensen must discover the true enemies that threaten mankind and uncover secrets to his own mysteries. Choose your own unique gameplay in this stylish action, RPG and shooter.
Mordheim: City of the Damned is one of the toughest games you’ll ever love. Based on a tabletop game by Games Workshop in 1999, you will find yourself leading a warband through a cursed city fighting for supremacy, and facing perma-death down every dark alley.
The latest expansion for everyone’s favorite sci-fi MMO Shooter, Destiny: Rise of Iron, may be the last major DLC before Destiny 2 is released in 2017. How does this mega-expansion affect the game’s legacy?
Boldly go where Star Trek Online has never been before, to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We dive deeply into Star Trek lore, captain our own starship, and compare how the new console versions of the beloved Massively Multiplayer Online game compare to gameplay on the PC.
Todd continues his adventures inside Fallout 4’s Nuka World DLC with a grand tour of the brewery. He would probably enjoy the World of Refreshment a whole lot better if the place wasn’t so lousy with deadly Nuka Lurks hopped up on Nuka Cola!
We waited for the first mega patch to finish before reviewing the hard-boiled dungeon crawler Necropolis from Harebrained Schemes. This is one brutal action RPG in the vein of Dark Souls, and not for the faint of heart.
A classic for the PSP, God Eater Resurrection comes blazing back from the dead with newly remade gameplay for the PlayStation 4 and Vita. How does this revamped title stack up to the original?
GiN Reviewer Marion Constante takes us on a journey deep into the cyberpunk future world of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, where augmented people are being harassed and sometimes killed by factions of pure humans. It’s a tough world, but Marion takes us through the first hour of this amazing game.
For those of you looking for something cool to do with your aging Nintendo 3DS hardware, give Monster Hunter Generations a try. Not only is this the best Monster Hunter, but one of the greatest games for the entire platform. Long live the hunters!
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