Category Archives: Reviews

Grandia II marries PC and console RPGs

Ryudo is a sword for hire who takes a job protecting Elena, a young priestess on her way to a very important ceremony to seal the remains of the evil god, Valmar. Before they know what has happened, they are caught up in a battle of good versus evil and the world hangs in the balance. This is Grandia II from Ubi Soft and Game Arts. Grandia II is a RPG for the computer that looks and plays more like a console based RPG. When I say "console-based RPG," I mean Grandia II is reminiscent of games like Final Fantasy … Continue reading Grandia II marries PC and console RPGs

La Grande Armee at Austerlitz is a Work in Progres

The first in an intended series of historically accurate simulations of the various campaigns of the Napoleonic era, La Grande Armee at Austerlitz (herein after referred to as Austerlitz to save my fingers) is still a work in progress. It ran onto problems right from its release however, the developers were quick to respond, and have been very responsive as further problems have surfaced and as gamers give their input on the system. Even now, in release 1.3 there are features discussed in the tutorial that are awaiting a patch to incorporate. Once I realized that you needed to download … Continue reading La Grande Armee at Austerlitz is a Work in Progres

Gotham Racing is Style and Substance

While I enjoy playing driving games at the arcade as much as the next guy, I generally do not like them for the console. Probably the main reason is because I stink at them, and the only reason I did as good as I did on Project Gotham Racing was because the nice people at Radica were kind enough to send me their Gamester Pro Racer Wheel, which pretty much saved this game for me. From the title you would assume, as I did when I ordered it with my Xbox, that Project Gotham Racing is a pure racing game, … Continue reading Gotham Racing is Style and Substance

Kabuto Could Have Been More

Giants: Citizen Kabuto is an impressive display of graphics and top-notch sound. The game is clearly taking advantage of what new high end computers can offer to the field. Unfortunately, if you don’t have one of these computers you’re going to miss the best of what this game has to offer, which is a shame because I like the idea of the game so much more than the execution of it. To begin with you have all the good elements: funny dialogue and very funny film clips, an opportunity to play any of three different species all warring against each … Continue reading Kabuto Could Have Been More

Fatal Frame is Fear Squared

A long time ago Steven King produced a movie based on one of his short stories called Maximum Overdrive. Having read the story, I was pretty excited when the movie came out. But what really got me going was that King himself did television commercials to support the project. "I’m going to scare the hell out of you!" King would say. So I went into the theatre expecting a fright. Unfortunately Maximum Overdrive was so bad it was almost comical, and nothing at all like the book. So while some people say beware of Greeks baring gifts like giant wooden … Continue reading Fatal Frame is Fear Squared

Racer Revenge Takes the Checkered Flag

There’s no other way to say it, when Star Wars: A New Hope came out in 1977 it was a revolution. George Lucas, the Star Wars creator, had hit pay dirt when his excellent storytelling coupled with mind-blowing special effects that made the movie a hit with all ages. After completing the trilogy with two sequels, George Lucas left the Star Wars license alone for a while. That hiatus ended though in 1999 when George Lucas released Episode 1, a prequel to the legendary trilogy. While Episode 1 met with mixed feelings from fans and critics alike, worse things were … Continue reading Racer Revenge Takes the Checkered Flag

Pirates Rule the High Seas

I started playing Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat on a PS2 and switched over to my Xbox just as soon as I could lay my hands on my own copy of this fantastic 3D adventure game. Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat is a cross between a really good seafaring game and a really great third-person adventure game. And the best part for me was that the controls were almost exactly the same in both modes and over both platforms, so I could switch back and forth. You play as Katarina de Leon, or Kat, the daughter of an … Continue reading Pirates Rule the High Seas

Virtua Fighter 4 Kicks the Competition

If there was any title that propelled me to purchase a Saturn as early as I did, it was the original Virtua Fighter. Upon seeing it, I was immediately enthralled by the smooth animated, yet blocky looking, action. Little did I realize that when I played it the combat system would be vast. However, there were certain individuals with no particular taste whatsoever, and ended up shunning it because of how it looked, or they complained about it being too hard. As far as they’re concerned, I can just tell them to get lost and go back to shallow titles … Continue reading Virtua Fighter 4 Kicks the Competition

Spec Ops: Covert Assault

Once again, Marxist guerrillas, communist dictatorships, and the mafia are threatening world security, you, and your crack squad of highly skilled rangers is charged with thwarting their twisted plans. This is Spec Ops: Covert Assault, the second Spec Ops game released for the Playstation 1 game console. In Covert Assault, you control two rangers at a time through four different stages executing stealth attacks on enemy strongholds, rescuing hostages, disarming explosives and missiles, and fighting scores of bad guys. The game starts off in Sicily where you battle the mafia whilst trying to recover personnel and top secret documents from … Continue reading Spec Ops: Covert Assault

Starfighter is a (Laser) Blast

Star Wars Starfighter was released for the PS2 in 2001 and to the joy of Xbox owners everywhere, it has now made its way to the Xbox. It picked up some improvements along the way including a graphics tweak, new levels, and an improved multiplayer mode. Star Wars Starfighter gives you the opportunity to take on the role of three heroes. And like most Star Wars heroes, each has their own ship to pilot. You start off on a training mission learning to fly as Rhys Gallows, a young hotshot pilot who has just taken the helm of his first … Continue reading Starfighter is a (Laser) Blast