We have all run into this problem at one time or another. We love a game, yet we don’t treat the CD very well. Perhaps we are in a hurry to switch to another game, or perhaps we are tired of digging into the jewel case to switch disks yet again. So we set the CD where it does not belong, like on our desk or on top of the PC or monitor. Hey, we will go back and get it later. But sometimes we don’t. And sometimes something falls on it, or it gets slid across the fake wood … Continue reading GameDoctor Erases Scratches→
Game Review- Millie Metre's Adventures in the Giant's Belly
I have never been so appalled at a piece of so-called educational software in my life. Millie Meter is so far from educational as to be down right offensive at times, though mostly it’s just an absurd piece of software. The game begins with the heroine, Millie Meter walking among boulders. One of them has a stomachache. He asks Millie to get in a helicopter (they call it something cute, but it’s a helicopter) that he just happens to keep nearby in case he wants anyone to travel through his digestive system. This beginning is the first problem. I don’t … Continue reading Millie Meter's Nutrition Adventure Falls Flat→
Although my interest in PC gaming has slowed down to a crawl (most likely because of the lack of monetary surplus compared to the extensive cost of new hardware to meet demand), I still take the time and patience to try out new PC titles that can actually run on my system. Imagine my surprise when Emperor: Battle for Dune, not only ran on my old Athlon 700, but ran well. But still when I go back to PC games, I still think of the one title that got me started in PC titles more than anything else (except maybe … Continue reading Echelon Attacks Traditional Sims→
Max Payne had a lot of things going against it when I decided to give it the once-over for review. I, like all other professional writers, try to keep my bias out of reviews. But off the bat, things did not look good. I have seen so many variations on shooters this past year that I doubted I would find anything new with this title. Also, I am not a big fan of third-person shooters, mostly after having been poisoned to them by lackluster – and some very bad – titles like Eradicator (anyone remember this one?) and Soldier (based … Continue reading Max Payne is Pure Pleasure→
ALPHABET: Play with the ABCs, is exactly what it says. It is an opportunity to play with each letter of the alphabet in its own unique way. Based on the art of Czech artist Kveta Pacoska, letters float and fade in and out on the screen. The child can double click on one which will take him to a screen of just that letter. Then he/she has to figure out how to effect the letter, sometimes blowing into the microphone will ripple the letter. Sometimes it’s a matter of moving the mouse so that a letter like "G" will eat … Continue reading Play with the ABCs Makes Letters Friendly→
Steel Panthers: World At War V6.0 (SP:WAW) is the latest iteration of the long-running Steel Panthers series of tactical simulations, and by far the most comprehensive. The game covers land warfare from the colonial wars of the 1920s to the end of the Second World War on a tactical scale. Typical battles range dramatically in scale, from company to regimental-sized engagements. Map size also varies, and can be customized. The largest maps are truly huge. For a game that traces its origins to a 1995 SSI release, SP:WAW has aged extremely well. Perhaps aged isn’t the right term; Steel Panthers … Continue reading World at War Has Got You Covered→
Ever have the desire to take command of a BattleMech? Never heard of a BattleMech? In either case you owe it to yourself to check out the latest installment of the MechWarrior line. Yep,this is a continuation of the games based on the FASA board/miniatures game called BattleTech. In case you were wondering a BattleMech is, roughly speaking, a 35 to 50 foot tall, 80 to 100 ton mobile suit of armor capable of speeds in excess of 90 miles per hour and with enough firepower to take on a small city single handedly. Got your interest yet? I should … Continue reading MechWarrior 4: Vengeance Serves Up Hot Revenge→
Maybe I should take back what I said in my commentary a few months ago, and my initial regrets for the PlayStation 2. Granted when it came out there were very few high quality titles available, save perhaps Madden and SSX. But in the last few months I have noticed the quality of PS2 games improving greatly. ZOE, Red Faction, Starfighter, FIFA 2001, and the MGS Demo (remember Breeden, it’s only a DEMO, there will still be more in the final release!) are just a few of the many great titles coming out, and from what I’ve seen at E3, … Continue reading GT3 Could Be the Grandest Racer Ever→
Game Review- Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
In the mood for an interactive mystery adventure? HER Interactive then can fill your order with Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion. This is the third game in a series of 3D Nancy Drew interactive mystery games that HER Interactive has produced. There is a new one about to come out, but in the meantime I figured I would take a look at this title. Message in a Haunted Mansion is recommended for players ten and up. In this adventure, Nancy finds herself in an old Victorian mansion in San Francisco helping a friend with the renovations of the … Continue reading Nancy Drew Sleuths Out a Winner→
We have all been dictators of a sort in simulation games before, but now is your chance to be a True Dictator. You have just been ‘elected’ President of Tropico, a small third world island nation. Will you be a kind ruler, someone the people love and respect, or a total despot, hated and feared by the people? Tropico is a welcome change from some of the games I have been playing lately. I knew from the moment I saw the box that I could not wait to play the game. And for once I was not disappointed by the … Continue reading Tropico Will Rule Your PC→
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