Everybody wants to rule the world. With Europa Universalis, you can do that. Starting as one of the major, or not so major powers, in the year 1492 (or other various starting points of the many scenarios that come with the game) you vie with either computer or live opponents (via the Internet options) all trying for the same thing – World Domination. Or at least you want to be the biggest and most successful country by the end of the game period (which is 1792 for the grand campaign and varies with the other scenarios). You can even choose … Continue reading Rule the Known World with Europa Universalis→
Hey everyone, the pizza dude’s here! His name is Pepper and it’s his job to save Lego Island. Good old Lego has brought us the comic caper: Lego Island 2 The Brickster’s Revenge. Those of you who played the original Lego Island will be familiar with the criminal mastermind that is Brickster. This time he’s tricked Pepper and escaped from his prison. So he sets about causing chaos with his band of Brickster-bots. Pepper, the pizza delivery boy, has to hop on his skateboard and stop Brickster in his tracks. It won’t be easy. Lego Island2 is an adventure game … Continue reading Brickster's Revenge is Wonderful Fun→
There were so many great new titles to see at E3, that it is hard to figure out where to begin. So what I wanted to do was take a look at an interesting game that was still pretty far out in terms of release date. Thankfully, we will see many great titles in just a few weeks. And since Ken and Hargosh wrote about console games endlessly at E3, I thought I would take a quick glance at a PC title. Disciples II: Dark Prophecy follows another game I reviewed called Disciples: Sacred Lands. Both titles stand out in … Continue reading Disciples II Takes Form→
All you adults out there, it’s time to get your sweaty paws off the Game Boy Color and let the kids have a go. Parents and children will recognise Arthur and his friends from the TV cartoon. This simple 2D game, Arthur’s Absolutely Fun Day, is aimed at 4 to 7-year-olds, but I gave it a test run in the name of gaming. Arthur’s teacher, Mr. Ratburn, has given him a free pass to the WonderWorld Amusement Park. All he has to do is collect sixteen stars to put on the pass and he can go in. That’s hardly free, … Continue reading Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day!→
Game Review- Beauty and the Beast Magical Ballroom
Beauty and the Beast Magical Ballroom is part of the Disney Princesses series of games geared toward girls 5 and up. Disney is trying to fill the huge gap that exists in the games-for-girls market. The Magical Ballroom is a decent offering, but I doubt seriously that a girl over 9 will enjoy it. The game opens with a movie sequence telling of all the changes in the castle since the movie. The child signs in by typing her name on a scroll, which is saved for return visits. Then Belle greets the child and explains the four rooms for … Continue reading Magical Ballroom, More Mundane than Magical→
With Battle Isle: The Andosia Wars, you can do some serious island hopping! The latest installment of the Battle Isle series (Hehe I remember the first one that I bought just after installing my first CD-ROM drive on my computer many moons ago) Battle Isle: The Andosia Wars is an intriguing combination of turn-based movement and combat and a real time economy. So while your opponent plays his turn, your economy is busily producing the goods and units you will need during your turn. The premise of the game is an attempt by the Children of Haris, lead by their … Continue reading Island Hopping – At Its Best→
My mother always told me that when you don’t have anything nice to say, then you should not say anything at all. Unfortunately when you are a product reviewer, its your job sometimes to say bad things about a title so people won’t waste their money on it. And sometimes it is your job to pick a title up and completely body slam it to the mat without mercy. Jetboat Racing is forcing me to do the later. As I have to say something about this game, I will just keep it short and simple. My favorite game at Dave … Continue reading Jetboat is no Hydro Thunder→
It seems as if every game that Hideo Kojima develops has a special magic to it. Granted the series known best by him is Metal Gear, but his other titles are worth mentioning as well. I was a big fan of Snatcher when it was released for the Sega CD (which even today can go as high as $100 on eBay), and I helped sign the petition to release Policenauts for either the 3DO or the Saturn back in 1995. His storylines are well known for having powerful moral values, and anyone who is well adapted in Metal Gear Solid … Continue reading Zone of the Enders→
Game Review- Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel
Fallout Tactics – Brotherhood of Steel takes the very-cool post apocalyptic world of the Fallout role-playing universe and uses it as a setting for a tactical combat game. It has the same look and feel as the Fallout RPG, but without the detailed inter-party relationships and without the myriad of external side quests. I am a huge fan of the Fallout series. Perhaps it was one too many Mad Max movies growing up or one too many generic sci-fi movies set following a nuclear war, but this is a universe that I enjoy. It probably goes back to one of … Continue reading Fallout Tactics is a Strategic Heavy-Hitter→
What was I thinking last year? Why did I almost give up my copy of High Heat Baseball 2001 in exchange for that travesty called World Series 2K1? Fortunately when I saw WS in action, I immediately changed my mind, and stuck with perhaps the most in-depth baseball sim I ever played. However, there are still idiots out there who will pass on a masterpiece like this solely because the graphics aren’t all that great. Unfortunately the same thing can be said about this season, with High Heat 2002. I’ve called various software stores in the area, and they told … Continue reading High Heat 2002 is Real Baseball Fun→
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