Category Archives: Reviews

Ferazel Needs a Better Wand

Ferazel’s Wand is the latest offering from Ambrosia Software, a rare gaming company that specializes in game software just for the Macintosh platform. Ambrosia markets its products as shareware, which is nice for the budget minded because you get to try before you buy. And even when you buy it’s not very much. Ferazel’s Wand, which is their most advanced game to date, is a mere $30. This is pleasant when the average consumer game is between $50 and $60. Another feature of Ferazel’s Wand is you don’t need a joystick to play it. It’s designed to be played on … Continue reading Ferazel Needs a Better Wand

Earth 2150 is Ahead of its Time

When I saw this game displayed at E3. I knew this was a game where if the demo proved to be as good as the final version, I was going to enjoy this game. And I was not disappointed! The only real problem with this game is that if falls into the flooded ground combat real time strategy genre. Earth 2150 has some unique aspects that may help it rise above the pack, if people start to take notice. Obviously, the game is set in 2150. The Eurasian Dynasty (ED) used their stockpile of nuclear weapons to attack some United … Continue reading Earth 2150 is Ahead of its Time

Madden Crushed by NFL 2K1

As one of the Dreamcast’s launch titles, NFL 2K came away as the runaway hit of the system. It was so good in fact that GiN gave it the title of Best Sports Game of 2000, being the only other game (besides the godlike High Heat Baseball series) to beat out EA Sports for this title. There were some small problems that prevented it from being the be-all, end-all of football games. The running game was pretty weak (usually getting gains of only 3 yards, 10 yards if you’re lucky), and aside from the season and fantasy modes, there was … Continue reading Madden Crushed by NFL 2K1

Ground Control is a Stunning Depiction of Planetar

You have been contracted by the Crayven Corporation for a series of missions of the utmost importance. You will equip the squads of devastating war machines and cunning soldiers assigned to you and lead them to victory. You will descend upon the planet Krig 7-B and plow through the enemy forces occupying the planet’s surface. Your enemies, the Dawnies, are a ruthless and strongly religious group of well-trained warriors who will fight to the death for their land on Krig 7-B. It will take all of your resources and skills in order to gain control of the planet’s surface and … Continue reading Ground Control is a Stunning Depiction of Planetar

Rally Challenge 2000 Rocks N64

Everbody knows that the N64’s "quality" racing sims are spread pretty thin. On top of all that how many "Rally" titles have we seen in the last year or so? I mean let’s be honest they’re like a dime a dozen, each proclaiming to be different than the others. In truth the only variation between them are colorful case covers. I’ve played many rally titles across different systems, and in the end they all gave me that all too familiar "Where Have I Played This Game Before" feeling. But Woohoooo!!! Finally, somebody’s got it right! That’s right you heard me … Continue reading Rally Challenge 2000 Rocks N64

Ever Get Tired of Being the DM?

Then perhaps Interplay’s latest release, Icewind Dale, is what you and your Dungeons and Dragons group may be looking for. Icewind Dale is the latest in the series of TSR Advanced Dungeons and Dragons PC adaptations dealing with the Forgotten Realms setting. The look and feel of the game resembles that found in Baldur’s Gate or Baldur’s Gate II. The three quarters view and the activation of various members of the group (in the stand alone game) are identical. The pausing of combat to allow commands to be given to the various members of the group are also similar. All … Continue reading Ever Get Tired of Being the DM?

Who’s Afraid of the Blair Witch?

When the Blair Witch movie went from a film student’s basement cutting room to Hollywood blockbuster, it was inevitable that many people would be looking to cash in on the project. A video game tie-in was inevitable. Now, as we approach Halloween this week, the lab dims the lights and sets out to review the first of three games based on the Blair Witch legend. The release of this game coincides not only with the spookiest holiday on the books, but also the release of the movie Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows. The three planned games are being released … Continue reading Who’s Afraid of the Blair Witch?

WWF Royal Rumble is WCW Clone

As I write this review, I am in the middle of watching the World Wrestling Federation’s Summerslam pay-per-view. In typical WWF fashion, the production is top-notch, with nary a hitch. Their rival, World Championship Wrestling (WCW) has taken a major fall from grace, and their last pay-per-view, New Blood Rising, is a perfect example. WWF and WCW video games seem to follow the same story. While I was impressed with both WWF Wrestlemania 2000 on the N64 and Smackdown! on the PlayStation, I did not like WCW Mayhem for either N64 or PlayStation. When I heard that THQ (who made … Continue reading WWF Royal Rumble is WCW Clone

Hasbro Turns Up the Heat

I normally only moderately enjoy racing games, BUT this game is outstanding. I usually play these games the proper way the creator had intended them to be played, and then I usually go a little crazy. You should see me on the off road games out blazing new trails! Although still in the early stages, I tried everything available on this Beta CD. I raced against the traffic, I deliberately rolled my car, I did donuts in the pit, on the track, and even in the grass. I used a stick game control, but you don’t have to. The graphics … Continue reading Hasbro Turns Up the Heat

Do Svidanya to Originality in Russian Combat Fligh

Oh, why do they insist on making the same mistakes time and again? Like Hollywood, the video game industry is often looking more at how to capitalize on past success, rather than trying the risky business of innovating. Echelon, a "futuristic" flight combat game is a good example of this mindset. Look at the years of success of titles such as LucasArts Secrets of the Luftwaffe (the best combat flight sim ever!) and Microsoft’s Flight Combat and it’s easy to see that there is demand out there for this genre. And hey, futuristic stuff is always good right? But we’ll … Continue reading Do Svidanya to Originality in Russian Combat Fligh