Category Archives: Reviews

Dead or Alive 2 kills

Tecmo’s Dead or Alive was released back in 1996 for both the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation. Being based on Sega’s own Model 2 engine (which was previously used for Daytona USA, Fighting Vipers, and Virtua Fighter 2), it was no surprise that this game looked like its arcade predecessor on the Saturn. However, on the PlayStation, the characters might have looked more rounded, but the backgrounds were extremely flat (partly due to the Saturn using its special VDP2 processor to generate the backdrops). Unfortunately, to see DOA on the Saturn you would have had to own an import … Continue reading Dead or Alive 2 kills

Corsairs: Conquest at Sea sails to your heart

This is a real time strategy game at sea. You are a Corsair representing either France or England and there are four tutorials designed to give the player some hands on experience and instruction simultaneously. It is more like a naval version of WarCraft than anything else. The player is responsible for completing each assigned mission, and this is no easy task. It is a lot of fun, but very linear in a way that the classic Pirates was not. While completing each mission you may also engage in trade, combat, whatever you deem necessary to complete the mission while … Continue reading Corsairs: Conquest at Sea sails to your heart

Play The Bloodiest Single Day in America’s History

Now you can recreate this day in the safety of your own home and on the security of your own computer! Sid Meier and Firaxis Games present the battle of Antietam, named after the small creek in Maryland that separated the forces at the start of the conflict, here in all its blood and glory for you to enjoy. Time has been rolled back to September 17, 1862 in rural Maryland. The Army of the Potomac (Union) commanded by General McClellan and the Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate) marching with the legendary General Robert E. Lee face off in this … Continue reading Play The Bloodiest Single Day in America’s History

Star Wars: Force Commander demands respect

Star Wars: Force Commander puts you in charge of ground level operations of the Empire. Long have Star Wars fans played the many flight and space simulations set in the most popular sci-fi universe ever created. But while the flyboys and a few jedi knights have thus far gotten all the gaming glory, lets not forget that the Empire was built on the backs of those white clad, lightly armored front line stormtrooper grunts. This is the game where they get to shine. Loading up the game at first was quite daunting. I was expecting an interface more like Bungie … Continue reading Star Wars: Force Commander demands respect

WWF Smackdown! slams competition

Acclaim has held the license for the World Wrestling Federation for over 10 years. However, most of the titles they came out with were forgettable. The NES ones were pretty much a joke, and the early releases for PlayStation and Saturn were arcade-based. Only the SNES, Genesis, and the PlayStation Warzone were worth bragging about. On the other end, THQ was having success with the World Championship Wrestling (WCW) lineup. Starting with WCW vs. the World for the PlayStation, and working their way up to the very impressive WCW/nWo Revenge on the Nintendo 64, there were many gold nuggets to … Continue reading WWF Smackdown! slams competition

Nox Rocks!

I might be wrong, but I think I’m the only one on the entire GiN staff who doesn’t role-play at all. Aside from some console-based RPG experiences such as Lunar or the overrated Final Fantasy series (let the hate mail begin again!), I just never really got into it at all. A couple years ago, however, a nice little product from Blizzard, entitled Diablo, was released to the gaming public. Combining basic role-play elements with the action of a real-time strategy game, I was instantly hooked with its unique style of gameplay, and am waiting impatiently for Blizzard to release … Continue reading Nox Rocks!

Myth the Total Codex includes Myth and Myth II

Attention : This game may cause you and your loved one to argue excessively. Once this game is installed and you begin playing you may never stop. Be prepared to hear "You gonna go play that game again?" Just shake your head yes and make tracks to the Mac. I’m really impressed with this game because of the tutorial. It shows all the basics to get started kicking deamon ass. It teaches about moving around, healing your injured men, and attack strategies. Now before you get ready to jump in and start playing I have to give my Mac sermon … Continue reading Myth the Total Codex includes Myth and Myth II

Hangsim soars on the PC

Reality, anyone? Launch Hangsim. Ready to dive into the world of hang-gliding and ultralight aircraft? Hangsim, from Wilco Publishing, is a much cheaper and safer way to learn the fundamentals than heading for the airport or hillsides. The manual is short [34 pages], but it is densely packed with aircraft specifications and tutorials for first-timers. The tutorial on understanding air currents and gliding is very concise, yet written to be easily understood. As a simulation, Hangsim delivers realistic flight dynamics, thermals and a variety of aircraft to try. Seven different hang-gliders, paragliders, regular gliders, and ultralights are included. Keyboard and … Continue reading Hangsim soars on the PC

Disciples: Sacred Lands is a pleasant diversion

Disciples: Sacred Lands is the latest entry in the turn based strategy gaming arena. It comes from a Canadian company, Strategy First, which is known for highly detailed strategy war simulation games like Man of War. The game almost got delegated to the lowest shelf of the "to review" library after a quick glance. When you look at the game from a distance, it seems to be a clone of the highly successful Heroes of Might and Magic series. It’s only after you have spent a little time with the game that you realize that it is really different, and … Continue reading Disciples: Sacred Lands is a pleasant diversion

Panzer Elite is the King Tiger of WWII simulations

So, you have always wanted to command a platoon of Panzers (yourself and three wingmen), or perhaps a platoon of American Sherman tanks (again yourself and four wingmen) is more to your liking? Well this and much more is available from Psygnosis’s publication of Wings Simulations Panzer Elite. This first person (tank) perspective game will leave you actually believing that you can jump into one of the twenty-two German and American tanks depicted and fight the enemy, whomever that may be! This is a truly engrossing game. Is it easy? No. Is it worth the effort to pick up and … Continue reading Panzer Elite is the King Tiger of WWII simulations