When the powers that be here at GiN first gave me Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home to review I thought that Christmas had arrived early. What red-blodded American male could resist finally being able to live out their boyhood dreams and play as Bo and Luke Duke driving around in the General Lee battling Boss Hogg and Roscoe? I’ve been told I said something like, "This is the happiest day of my life!" before racing off to the testing center. Oh how wrong I was. The crux of my review for Dukes of Hazzard lies in four words — … Continue reading Dukes of Hazzard: Racing for Home is stuck in the pits→
Odium may be defined as hate coupled with disgust, but when it comes to the game Odium, my feelings lacked such passion. In fact, I was left with profound indifference. Following the thoroughly playable Septerra Core, Monolith has released TopWare’s Odium — and some unsuspecting gamers might be duped into buying the new title. It’s 2008 and you play for three NATO military commandos known as Group Two, sent into a hot zone where Group One has disappeared. Obviously, Group One has disappeared or been disabled. But for some reason, Group Two doesn’t exactly come well stocked with ammo, weapons … Continue reading Odium is all about eye candy→
Boombots is a comedic hi-tech fighting game set in the far future (the year is 15 million to be precise.) You must pick one of 10 Boombots and battle your way thru several stages in order to save the world. Boombots are robots specially designed to protect the earth from the nefarious Mandu and his legions of evil space cats. Sound silly yet? The year is 15 million and earth has been conquered by Mandu and his alien cats from outer space. Doctor Pick, an earth scientist, has designed 10 different Boombots; Boomer, Chickie Boom, Doggie-Dog, Mobie Tank, Airplane, Hans … Continue reading Boombots is fast and fun→
Now, before I write this review, I should mention that I am not the biggest fan of basketball. In fact it really ticks me off when there is a Washington Capitals game on and it gets pre-empted by the pathetic Washington Wizards. I do however play basketball on my computer, and for the last few years I have been hooked by the excellent NBA Live series on the PC. However, now that Sega Sports is back after their release of NFL 2K (the winner of GiN’s Sports Game of the Year), I decided to give their NBA 2K a chance. … Continue reading NBA 2K is a slam dunk success→
Isn’t it amazing how much hype accompanied the arrival of the year 2000? The fact that a simple flip of the calendar page could cause such mass hysteria seems a little silly in retrospect, doesn’t it? As usual, all that was needed was a little perspective, something the real-time strategy game Pharaoh provides by the pyramid-full. With missions taking place from around 3200 to 1350 B.C., this game demonstrates that success involves thinking in the long-term. Sure, a worldwide computer meltdown could have caused problems, but that pales in comparison to trying to create and maintain an entire civilization. Egyptian … Continue reading Y2K A.D. meet Y2K B.C.→
Brighter Child’s Invention Highway is an educational game billed for 9-yr. olds and above. It certainly lives up to the billing. Even as a jaded 38-year old, wanna-be computer geek, it took me a few minutes (and honestly even a peek or two at the answers, all peeks with the goal of time saving, of course) to solve a couple of the puzzles. All in all it’s a high-quality educational tool. Invention Highway is designed around a principle of education developed by one of its founders that identifies four different methods for “thinking techniques.” In the introduction to the game … Continue reading Invention Highway is a road to childhood success→
I was walking through Staples a few weeks ago and I saw a demo running of what looked like a really cool game, and I was thinking to myself that it looked like something I would like to try out. A couple days later the Corkscrew Follies expansion pack and the original Rollercoaster Tycoon were plopped onto my desk. This tells me never to go shopping for office supplies with my editor ever again. Since GiN never reviewed the original game, I thought I would try something a little bit different with this review. I am going to review the … Continue reading Roller Coaster Tycoon is an E-ticket→
Gran Turismo’s release last year changed my opinion completely about racing games. What was once considered a genre of shallow, fast racers and slow, boring simulations suddenly experienced a racing title with depth, tons of cars and plenty of tracks to race them on. Talk has been brewing about the anticipated sequel, with its rumored 500+ cars, tons of additional tracks, and a brand new rally engine. These talks were also ruined by extensive delays. The worst delay came out when Gran Turismo 2 would not even make it to release before the Christmas holiday, as some retailers expressed a … Continue reading Gran Turismo 2 is revved up fun→
Ay Toni? Check dis kid out. Eh-eh-eh-eh. The little squirt says he wants ta be a mobsta. Eh-eh-eh-eh. So ya’s think bein’ in the mob is a slice of pie do ya’s? Well ya got it all wrong kid. Mobbin’ ain’t easy. Dere’s rules to da game kid. Rules to da game. Ya gotta have connections. Ya gotta have charisma, style, and class along with nerves of steel. Ya gotta be tough as nails. Don’t take no crap from anybodies! Eye for an eye. Someone steps on your toes? You step on dere’s back! There ain’t no room for softies … Continue reading Mob Rule is an offer you can’t refuse→
First player combat games can be challenging enough when it’s just a matter of controlling your own character. Naval Combat is the stuff legends have been made from. In Man of War II you are a Captain, Division Commander or Admiral in charge of one ship or a fleet. I haven’t played Man of War I, so everything about Man of War II was new to me. The graphics are pretty good. There is a lot of detail: water and sky textures, smoke from the cannon fire, and as you move about the deck you can see the damage to … Continue reading Man of War II: Chains of Command will capture your free time→
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