Category Archives: Reviews

Shogo Mobile Armor Division brings anime excitement to PC

Japanese animation has always been an interest of mine, especially those giant robot combat series such as Macross. I was also a big Transformers fan, which I consider the closest the Americans can come to decent anime. I’ve always wanted to be able to play a game that allowed me to control a giant transforming robot just like in the greatest anime. Monolith’s anime shooter Shogo gave me the chance to do so. Shogo centers around Sanjuro Makabe, a Mobile Command Armor (MCA) pilot in the UCA Security Force, involved in a war against a terrorist organization led by a … Continue reading Shogo Mobile Armor Division brings anime excitement to PC

One Shot IS One Kill

It is so true; you never see the one that gets you. I died so many times playing this game, I know that by heart. There are two flavors to this game, single and multiplayer. In the single player game you go on missions by yourself or as part of a computer controlled team. In the multiplayer game, you and up to 32 other people get to find out just how lethal war really is, except that in this case you get to come back and get the guy that got you. That’s not to say that the single player … Continue reading One Shot IS One Kill

Half-life aims to kill other first person shooters

Valve Software’s Half-Life has been hyped for the past three years, claiming that it has the most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) found on any first person shooter. It was supposed to be the AI that would surpass Half-Life form its competition. Fortunately, I am able to say that as far as the main game goes, that hype is proven to be true, as the final release provides the most challenging, involving single player action there is to offer. Half-Life, published by Sierra, centers on Gordon Freeman, doctor of Nanotechnology and Charlie Sheen look-a-like. What appears to start off as a … Continue reading Half-life aims to kill other first person shooters

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil uses N64 memory expansion to fullest

Acclaim’s Iguana team has pulled off yet another great blood-chilling, action-packed, first-person shooter as the sequel to last year’s highly praised Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. This one will leave you nothing less than impressed. Turok 2 is the first of many games designed to work with Nintendo’s new 4 megabyte expansion pak, a hardware add-on used to enhance graphics, sound and gameplay of titles designed for its use. This new expansion pack takes Turok 2 to a higher plateau of gaming as it increases resolution, enables smoother animation, heightens artificial intelligence and tweaks the sound of the game. Though Turok 2 … Continue reading Turok 2: Seeds of Evil uses N64 memory expansion to fullest

Colony Wars: Vengeance is beautiful, but too hard to play

It’s no surprise to anyone who has been reading my articles that I am a big fan of space combat shooters. Look at my past reviews for Wing Commander: Prophecy, Descent: Freespace, Tie Fighter, etc. They are considered by me as the best in their field. However, they are all PC-based. There is another space combat series that I have played before, which is Psygnosis’ Colony Wars for the PlayStation. The original game really impressed me with its gorgeous detail and intense, yet not too difficult gameplay. So when I heard that a sequel would be coming out, I was … Continue reading Colony Wars: Vengeance is beautiful, but too hard to play

Rainbow Six is red hot sniper action

I’ve always liked the suspense of sneaking through an installation, catching terrorist forces off-guard, sniping them without warning, rescuing hostages and disarming explosives. But still, even with all that Metal Gear has done, I’ve always wondered how it would be done in a first person perspective, borrowing elements from Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64, plus adding the ability to plan out my operation among fellow teammates before sending them out in combat. Thanks to Red Storm Entertainment, my thoughts have become reality as their release, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six, takes these elements and executes them in the right way. Rainbow … Continue reading Rainbow Six is red hot sniper action

N2O: Nitrous Oxide will give gamers a real high!

I’ll admit, I’ve always been a big fan of classic arcade shooters. I don’t know why, maybe it was because of the sheer adrenaline rush that was obtained when trying to survive an endless onslaught of aliens. Two classic shooters that come to mind as the most engrossing, the most intense, and the most challenging are Tempest and Gyruss. They both had the same structure: rotating around in a 360 degree plane (well, almost, Tempest had a couple open-ended courses). Updates to these such classics, including Nanotek Warrior and (the only great Jaguar game) Tempest 2000, carried on the tradition … Continue reading N2O: Nitrous Oxide will give gamers a real high!

From Wolfenstein 3D to Quake and now -Wow. It’s Unreal.

After I played Unreal for the first time, I took a step back in time and loaded up my old copy of Wolfenstein 3D, from iD, just to remind myself of the changes that have taken place over the last five or six years. And I was impressed. Their have been so many great changes since I started playing this type of game back in college that I don’t even know where to begin. Right off the bat I noticed that this game, unlike almost all its predecessors, has a real plot. Sure Wolfenstein 3d had a plot, kill everything, … Continue reading From Wolfenstein 3D to Quake and now -Wow. It’s Unreal.

Another great notch in LucasArt’s Lightsaber

Is LucasArts’ Mysteries of the Sith just a Jedi Knight add on? Or is it a lot more? Let’s put it this way: if more companies designed add-on packs like this, then the games they are based on would be greatly enhanced. Mysteries of the Sith takes place five years after Kyle Katarn disposed of Jerec and the Seven Dark Jedi. As he is training Mara Jade, herself a former Emperor’s Hand seen in the Timothy Zahn novels, Kyle discovers a possible location for a hidden Sith temple and is compelled to discover its mystery. As he departs for the … Continue reading Another great notch in LucasArt’s Lightsaber