A Canadian boy named Lucas learns of an Alien invasion from an alternative universe by a crazy scientist. It is up to him to save the cubic world with only grappling hooks to destroy the giant bouncy alien heads. A 2D platform game, Spheroids is a lot of bizarre sci-fi fun.
Now that the episodic HITMAN game is available on a single disk, we thought we would re-release the review we did of the entire series. The final episode concluded with an epic final level in Hokkaido, Japan that seemed like something out of a James Bond movie. But now gamers can pick up all six of them in one swoop. Should they?
Delving deeply into the Batman story, while not being afraid to break canon, is Batman: The Telltale Series. The game has an enjoyable story, great characters, and a plethora of action-events suitable for the comic-book genre.
Game Review- The Walking Dead Season 3: The New Frontier
Fan-favorite The Walking Dead had a bit of a stumble on the videogame side with a mixed Season Two story. But now they are back with The Walking Dead Season 3: The New Frontier, and so is the magic!
Destroy All Humans is a re-release of an old PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 game. As such it’s about what you’d expect, now with supped-up graphics and sound for extra alien destruction. All the crazy humor remains solidly inside the game, though that may be a bit of an acquired taste.
Just as great as the original 2010 title, Darksiders: Warmastered Edition also offers a rich ride-along with one of the badass horseman of the apocalypse. The remastered version brings better graphics and few new features to the front for an even better hardcore slasher.
Watch Dogs 2 isn’t a revolution, but it’s a clear improvement on the original, which gave us a bland hero with nothing to say. Ubisoft adds a much needed dose of fun to Watch Dogs 2, elevating it above the first game by adding bright, energetic graphics and some engaging characters, whilst also giving it a moral heart.
After 10 years in development, The Last Guardian is finally here. Overall, it was worth the wait, but it’s also slightly disappointing because the clunky controls mar an otherwise beautiful story.
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