More Monster Trucking Good Times
As Monster Truck Championship rumbles onto next generation consoles, we check out this racing series again to find improved graphics, better vehicle physics and a whole lot of car-crushing, nitro-fueled fun.
As Monster Truck Championship rumbles onto next generation consoles, we check out this racing series again to find improved graphics, better vehicle physics and a whole lot of car-crushing, nitro-fueled fun.
Black Legend is a truly unique turn-based strategy title that relies heavily on the 1700s pseudo-science of alchemy as a core combat mechanic. It’s set in a very bleak world where human life means little, and has a lot of enemies ready to steal yours as you adventure through a cursed city.
Before all the Cyberpunk 2077 craziness, developer CD Projekt Red was busy working on The Witcher and its magical GWENT card game. Now available for free on multiple console, PC and mobile platforms, our Modern Gamer takes it for a spin.
The original SaGa Frontier was quite a unique RPG when it came out in 1998, giving players new mechanics and systems that were downright mysterious compared to other staples of the time. The SaGa Frontier remake keeps those same distinctive elements, but brings everything else into modern times.
The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount supplement brings the island continent from the Critical Role streaming show to amazingly detailed life. Whether you are a fan of the show or just looking for a highly meticulous sandbox for your party to play in, Wildemount has a lot to offer.
Way back in the early days of the modern gaming industry, the Postal game came out guns blazing, leaving controversy and angry parental groups in its wake. That classic has been remade now for the PlayStation, though it almost seems quaint by today’s standards.
News that Blizzard is launching The Burning Crusade for World of Warcraft Classic has got old school gamers excited to experience WoW again for the first time. But our Modern Gamer never got to play the game back in the day, so he’s checking it out for the first time. And wow, is he amazed.
Scarcity issues aside, the Sony PlayStation 5 is one of the most amazing game consoles released in years. Not only are native PS5 games incredible, but many older PlayStation 4 titles get a huge upgrade when running on them on the new hardware.
Not every game that we review at GiN is an adrenaline rush. Some are quite relaxing, like Tiny Lands which challenges you to spot the differences between two very tiny and interesting 3D landscapes.
Loosely based on neon-soaked arcade games from the 1980s, Chaser Tracer is a fun and free casual game for both the iOS and Android platforms that will have you racing to trace a variety of interesting shapes in an intense environment.